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March 31, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translation echos General Jaruzelski's comments on his and deputy ministers authority in matters of national defense - delegating power while still maintaining direction.

March 30, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translated document discusses possible military and Soviet intervention to deal with political unrest in the wake of implementing martial law.

March 16, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translated memorandum focuses on the power industry in Poland, future measures, and requests for military assistance with power plants.

March 16, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translated memorandum reports the coordinated efforts of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Defense, and Central Committee Propaganda Department to implement martial law in Poland.

March 16, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translation discusses public unrest after implementing martial law, including a rise in robberies and participation in resistance groups such as Solidarnosc. It also lists the military members involved in the decision making exercise.

March 16, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translation discusses the preparation for martial law through appointing Defense Council and committee members, martial law paperwork, increasing the defense budge from Soviet loans, and expanding military exports.

March 12, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translation reveals new economic controls from the Minister of Domestic Trade and Services such as rationing, temporary price controls, and restricted deliveries.

March 12, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translation discussing how to keep telecommunications and the postal service up during strikes.

March 12, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translated document outlines an exercise for both the government and military of Poland to prepare for the implementation of martial law.

February 24, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, 'Current Situation in the Polish Government and Ministry of Defense'

Translated document outlines a conversation with Brezhnev where he expresses his concerns over counterrevolutionaries. The threat of young people joining the Solidarnosc movement and GDR & Czechoslovakian propaganda to peace in Poland.
