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June 20, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Anatoly Chernyaev’s notes from the Politburo session on June 20, 1988, during which military spending, party membership, the progress of perestroika, and CPSU organizational leadership were discussed.

May 25, 1988

Georgi Shakhnazarov, 'Comments on the Report of [Commander-in-Chief of the Warsaw Treaty Organization Marshal] V.G. Kulikov at the Conference of the PCC [Political Consultation Committee] of the Warsaw Treaty'

Reaction to V.G. Kulikov's report at the Conference of the Political Consultation Committee of the Warsaw Treaty regarding arms sales and military armaments in socialist countries, compared to NATO military policies.

April 5, 1988

Record of Conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and Fidel Castro

Notes from telephone conversation between Gorbachev and Castro regarding advocating communist ideology through policy initiatives, and about Gorbachev's impending visit to Cuba.

March 24, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Notes from a meeting of the Politburo regarding Nina Andreeva, a Soviet scientist and political activist who accused Gorbachev of not being true communists and abandoning the Soviet system in her essay " I Cannot Forsake My Principles."

March 10, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Politburo meeting centered on Comecon and the importance of maintaining fruitful trade relationships with other socialist nations.

October 31, 1945

Telegram, L. Beria and G. Malenkov to Cde. Stalin

Request for Stalin's opinion about the nomination of several candidates for the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

October 31, 1945

Telegram, L. Beria to Cde. Stalin

Draft decree mandating that all trucks be produced with wooden cabins and bodies in order to save metal.

October 30, 1945

Telegram, Molotov to Cde. Stalin

Draft reply to Malinovsky concerning Soviet troops in Manchuria, including instructions to avoid responsibilities for the security of Manchuria; allow the Chinese government's representatives to land at Huludao and Yingkou; allow the Chinese planes to land at Fengtian and Changchun

October 29, 1945

Telegram, V. Molotov, L. Beria, G. Malenkov, and A. Mikoyan to Cde. Stalin

Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, and Mikoyan ask Stalin to approve an announcement awarding the Order of Lenin to A.A. Andreyev on the occasion of his 50th birthday.

October 28, 1945

TASS Digest Distributed to Cde. I.V. Stalin and Cde. C.M. Molotov, 'The London Correspondent of "The New York Times" About Comrade Stalin; etc.'

TASS reports on newspaper articles in the foreign press disputing rumors of Stalin's illness.
