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May 17, 1956

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, 'Pakistani President’s Exclusive Conversation with American Reporters'

The Pakistani President stated that Islamabad's warming relationship with the PRC did not mean a move away from the US. He reaffirmed Pakistani commitment to the Southeast Asian defense treaty and the Baghdad Pact while urging the US to recognize the PRC and advocating an increase in Sino-Japanese trade.

January 4, 1956

Abstract of Conversation between Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and Pakistani Ambassador to China Sultanuddin Ahmad

Zhou Enlai and Sultanuddin Ahmed discussed the Kashmir issue and the consequences of the Soviet stance. China also expressed its disapproval with Pakistani involvement in the Manila Treaty, the Baghdad Pact and Islamabad's military agreement with the US.

February 25, 1955

Abstract of Conversation: Chinese Premier Zhou receives Trevelyan

Zhou Enlai and Trevelyan debated on the nature of the Manila Treaty and its implications for the Geneva Agreement.They also discussed the issue of the Dai Autonomous Region between China and Thailand and the legal status of Taiwan.

April 21, 1955

Cable from Zhang Hanfu, 'Daily Report on the Activities of the Delegation'

Zhang Hanfu’s telegrams to PRC Foreign Ministry reporting on the Chinese Delegation's Activities at the Afro-Asian conference on April 20 and 21

April 20, 1955

Cable from Zhang Hanfu, 'Second Daily Report on the Activities of the Delegation'

Zhang Hanfu’s Telegrams to PRC Foreign Ministry reporting on the Chinese Delegation's Activities at the Afro-Asian conference on April 19

December 3, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland, 'The Indonesian Ambassador Discussed the Issue of Next Year’s Afro-Asian Conference'

The Indonesian ambassador observed that there would not be wide consensus as in the first Asian-African conference and proposed a second conference composed only of major countries.

February 11, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Syria, 'The Situation of Ambassador Chen’s Visit to the Syrian Foreign Minister'

The Chinese Ambassador to Syria and the Syrian Foreign Minister discuss the timing of the Second Asian-African Conference and the Arab-Israeli conflict

April 10, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'The Premier's Discussion with the Indonesian Ambassadors on Convening the Second Afro-Asian Conference'

In a meeting with the Indonesian ambassador, Zhou Enlai emphasized that it was important that many countries would attend the second Asian-African conference and that China wanted the conference to bolster solidarity rather than be a place for argument.

July 20, 1964

Cable from Xie Kexi, 'Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s Attitude toward the Sino-Indian Boundary Issue and Her Inclinations'

Report on the attitude of Ceylon's Prime Minister Bandaranaike towards the Sino-Indian conflict: While China had the upper hand both politically and militarily, Mrs. Bandaranaike was taking sides with India. The report predicted that Mrs. Bandaranaike's proposal would fail and proposed that China should politically take the offensive against India.

August 18, 1963

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Department, and the General Staff Department, 'Supplementary Report on Handling the Bodies of the Indian Army along the Western Sector of the Sino-Indian Border'

Zhou Enlai's instructions regarding the clearing of bodies of Indian personnel and possible Indian provocative actions related to this issue.
