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October 19, 1954

Minutes of Chairman Mao Zedong’s First Meeting with Nehru

Mao Zedong and Nehru discuss Sino-Indian relations, the political situation in Asia, and the role of the United States in world politics.

October 23, 1954

Minutes of Chairman Mao Zedong’s Second Meeting with Nehru

Mao and Nehru have an extensive discussion about global affairs, the legacy of World War II, and the likelihood of another world war.

November 2, 1956

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou’s receiving of the Hungarian Ambassador to China Ágoston Szkladán on his Farewell Visit

Zhou Enlai and Hungarian Ambassador to China Ágoston Szkladán discuss the ongoing Hungarian Revolution, and Szkladán asks for economic assistance from the other Communist countries for this issue.

November 25, 1963

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam, 'Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Discusses America’s Plan for Latin American Nuclear-Free Zone'

The Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam reports that the United States is working through the United Nations to prevent Puerto Rico, Guantanamo, and its others holdings in Latin America from being included in any "Latin America Nuclear-Free Zone." The Ambassador suggests that this is an attempt to distract Latin American citizens from their campaign against American military bases in the region.

March 1, 1961

Transcript of Conversation between Deputy Premier Chen Yi and Romanian Ambassador to China Barbu Zaharescu

Chen Yi and Ambassador Zaharescu discuss the unity of the socialist bloc.

June 26, 1951

Report from the Chinese International Liaison Department, 'Regarding Soviet Suggestion towards Ceasefire Negotiations'

Report from the Foreign Ministry International Department on Soviet suggestion towards ceasefire negotiations in Korea.

March 2, 1965

Telegram, Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'Transmittal of the Situation of the Soviet-Korean Talks' and the Discussion between Kim Il Sung and Kosygin

Report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a North Korean student's very negative description of the discussions between Kim Il Sung and Alexei Kosygin in Pyongyang in February 1965.

February 23, 1955

Cable from Huan Xiang, 'Indian Premier Nehru’s View on Resolving the Taiwan Issue'

December 24, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Romania, 'The Change of Romanian Attitude toward China before and after the Moscow Conference'

The Chinese Embassy in Bucharest concludes that "the Romanian attitude toward us has warmed."

August 22, 1960

Memorandum of Conversation Between Deputy Minister Geng and Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan Abdur Rahman Khan at Ambassador Khan’s Banquet for Vice Premier Chen

Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan Khan and Chinese Deputy Minister Geng discuss Sino-Afghani trade, Sino-Pakistani relations, and the status of Pakistani and Chinese nationals in Indonesia. While both officials express hope that Sino-Pakistani relations will improve and any Sino-Pakistani border issues will soon be resolved, Geng expresses his displeasure with Pakistan's long-standing opposition to the restoration of China's seat at the UN.
