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October 13, 1980

Report to the HSWP Political Committee on the visit of the special envoy of Saddam Hussein in Hungary

This report describes the Iraqi special envoy's message to Hungary that Iraq is looking to increase cooperation and dialogue about Iran, and states that both Hungary and Iraq seek a resolution of regional conflicts.

March 26, 1975

Saddam Hussein’s political portrait - compiled for Foreign Minister Frigyes Puja prior to the Iraqi leader’s visit to Hungary in May 1975

This report on Saddam Hussein as vice president of the Revolutionary Commanding Council describes Hussein's personal background, political views, and negotiating persona. Frigyes Puja ordered the compilation of information on Saddam Hussein two months before his visit to Hungary.

February 23, 1974

Hungarian Foreign Ministry report on current foreign affairs (excerpt)

This report by the foreign ministry states that socialist countries should seek to increase their influence among "progressive" Arab countries such as Syria, Iraq, and Algeria, and states that war in Indochina is unlikely.

August 23, 1971

HSWP CC Foreign Affairs Department Proposal on the financial support for the Israeli Communist Party

This is a proposal by the Hungarian Foreign Affairs Department to grant 5000 USD in financial aid to the Israeli Communist Party.

June 26, 1970

Hungarian Foreign Ministry memorandum on Soviet Ambassador Titov’s briefing on Soviet foreign policy

This memorandum gives Soviet Ambassador Titov's report that during Gromiko's visit to France, the French seemed eager to continue to build relations with the USSR. It also reports on the reception of the Rogers Plan, an American plan to bring peace to the Middle East, by the Arab states.

August 10, 1970

Hungarian Foreign Ministry memorandum on the Palestine Liberation Movement in 1970 (excerpts)

This memorandum briefly describes the growing Palestinian Movement in Israel and recommends that the Hungarian Solidarity Committee establish ties with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), while not endorsing any radical acts of terrorism.

October 21, 1969

Report for the HSWP Politburo on weapons exports to the UAR and Syria by Minister of Defense Lajos Czinege

This report by Hungarian defense minister Lajos Czinege outlines the tensions between Hungary and the UAR over military aid.

November 2, 1967

Report from the Hungarian Embassy in Moscow on Soviet foreign policy on the crisis in the Middle East in 1967

This report by the Hungarian embassy in Moscow states that neither the Soviet Union nor the United States wants to escalate tensions over the crisis in the Middle East and may be able to find a resolution.

July 18, 1967

János Kádár’s speech at a HSWP Political Committee meeting on military support for 'friendly' Arab countries in 1967

In this speech, János Kádár supports giving aid to "friendly" Middle East Countries, however he requests that more information be obtained from the recipient countries and that the aid be divided into "prompt assistance" and "long-term assistance."

July 11, 1967

Report of the Inter-ministerial Expert Committee for the HSWP PC on military support for 'friendly' Arab countries in 1967

This document lists the requests for aid and armaments to Hungary by the United Arab Republic, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, and the amounts and types of aid and armaments that Hungary and the rest of the Eastern Bloc propose to give.
