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July 19, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Thursday, 19 July 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 19 July 1990 describes the latest developments in Germanys, the Soviet Union, Iraq, Spain, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

October 16, 1960

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of a Conversation with Fidel Castro, 2 September 1960'

Kudyavtsev and Fidel Castro discuss the rally held the day before where the Havana Declaration was adopted.

March 23, 1963

From the Journal of A.I. Alekseyev, 'Record of a Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 20 February 1963'

Alekseyev describes a conversation with Fidel Castro regarding a warm letter from Khrushchev, the departure of Soviet servicemen from Cuba, and prospects for Cuba's relations with the US.

February 28, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of a Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 10 February 1962'

Kudryavtsev describes a meeting with Fidel Castro regarding a statement by Kennedy, fallout from the Punta del Este conference, prospects for Latin American revolutionary spirit, and Raul Castro's upcoming trip to the Soviet Union.

February 28, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 3 February 1962'

During a conference to craft the Second Havana Declaration, Kudryavtsev meets with Fidel Castro to discuss Khrushchev's address to the Cuban General National Assembly.

June 24, 1956

Mexican Federal Security Directorate (DFS), 'Investigation into a Conspiracy Against the Government of the Republic of Cuba'

Report documenting the arrest of Fidel Castro and fellow members of the "26th of July" group in Mexico. The report goes into great detail about the group's organization and training, and their plans for revolution in Cuba.

June 23, 1963

Hungarian Embassy in Havana (Görög), Report on Reactions to Fidel Castro’s Trip to the Soviet Union

Chargé d’Affaires ad interim Erzsébet Görög writes a preliminary assessment of Castro’s state visit to the Soviet Union in 1963. Görög reports on improvements in Cuba’s party organization and positive reactions from the Cuban public and media on Castro’s visit. Görög notes different reactions to the visit between the economic/technical and artistic intelligentsia, adding that “Khrushchev managed to win Fidel over to his side in the Soviet-Chinese dispute.” Other topics include emigration and external counter-revolutionary activities.

November 14, 1968

From the Discussion with Comrade Fidel Castro on November 14, 1968, on the Outskirts of Havana

Record of conversation held between Fidel Castro, Harry Tisch, and Paul Verner.