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July 27, 1952

Letter, Mao Zedong to Comrade Filippov [Stalin]

Mao Zedong briefs Stalin on the proposed itinerary of a delegation to Moscow led by Zhou Enlai.

July 26, 1952

Cable, Zhou Enlai to the Chairman [Mao Zedong] and Comrades Liu [Shaoqi], Zhu [De], Peng [Dehuai], [Li] Fuchun, and Su Yu

Zhou Enlai shares a draft telegram with Mao Zedong.

August 21, 1961

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Comrade Foreign Minister Ung Van Khiem

On the attempts of Ho Chi Minh to mediate between Albania and the Soviet Union.

October 12, 1950

Ciphered Telegram No. 25553, Roshchin to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao Zedong has already given orders to halt Chinese troops preparing to cross the Korean border.

October 11, 1950

Cable No. 4785, Filippov [Stalin] and Zhou Enlai to the Soviet Ambassador in Peking

Instructions for the Chinese army in light of the fact that the Chinese forces designated to assist Korea are not ready.

October 13, 1950

Ciphered Telegram No. 25612, Roshchin to Flippov [Stalin]

Mao Zedong asks that Zhou Enlai remain in Moscow as they discuss intervening in Korea.

February 13, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade, 'Reporting the Situation of the Talks between the Premier and Kosygin concerning Trade'

The Ministry of Foreign Trade summarizes the trade issues discussed by Zhou Enlai and Kosygin.

February 6, 1965

Record of the First Contact between Premier Zhou and Vice Premier Chen Yi and Kosygin

Premier Zhou and others meet to discuss the current situations in South Vietnam and Laos, U.S. and Soviet strategy, and Chinese-Soviet competition over civil aviation, among other pressing issues.

April 2, 1965

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and the President of Pakistan Ayub Khan

Zhou, Ayub Khan, and Zulfikar Bhutto discuss the Vietnam War, China's relations with the US and the Soviet Union, the Second Asian-African Conference, and the Non-Aligned Movement.

July 2, 1950

Incoming Cable No. 19413, Roschin to the Central Committee

Roschin tells the CC of his meeting with Zhou Enlai, in which they discussed talks with the Indian ambassador over maneuvering at the UN, and over the possibility of Chinese intervention in Korea against American forces.
