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April 15, 1976

Embassy of the GDR in the USSR, 'Note about a Meeting of Comrade Goede with Comrade Kapitsa, Head of the 1st Far Eastern Department of the MID on 14 April 1976'

Goede and Kapitsa discuss the dismissal of Deng Xiaoping and recent appointment of Hua Guofeng following anti-Mao demonstrations. They also discuss Soviet relations with Cambodia and the DRV, and Sino-Japanese and Sino-American relations.

December 7, 1979

Cable No. 2636, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (Second Summit Meeting, Small Group Meeting)'

Prime Minister Ohira and Premier Hua discuss foreign policy toward Taiwan, Indochina, Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula.

December 6, 1979

Cable No. 2615, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (First Summit Meeting) (A)'

The meeting covers topics about the foreign policy of Japan and China toward the United States, the Korean and Indochinese Peninsulas, and the Soviet Union among other locations.

December 6, 1979

Cable No. 2612, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (Courtesy Call on Premier Hua) (A)'

Premier Hua and Prime Minister Ohira express great interest in strengthening relations between China and Japan.

May 12, 1978

Untitled report from Brun, Polish Intelligence Station Tokyo, concerning Hua Guofeng’s visit to Pyongyang

Hua Gufeng visited Pyongyang to brief the DPRK on China's new foreign policy and attempt to dispel any concerns held by Kim Il Sung.

April 30, 1976

Meeting between Mr. Muldoon and Mao Zedong at Chairman Mao's Residence, 30 April 1976

An ailing Mao Zedong and Robert Muldoon discuss China's recent nuclear tests and agree that the Soviet Union is a common threat for both China and New Zealand. Both Mao himself and the note-takers from New Zealand make frequent mention to the Chairman's deteriorating health.

December 7, 1979

Cable No. 2632, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (Second Summit Meeting) (A)'

Report of subjects discussed in the meeting including; Chinese and Japanese economic and cultural exchanges, Chinese modernization, development of coal, and foreign affairs toward Western countries.


CC CPSU Information on Chinese Foreign Policy Issues

Discusses the joint efforts by Chinese and American leaders to promote a better relationship between these two countries, at the expense of the Soviet Union and of communism. The U.S. seems to be trying to capitalize on a growing “internal stability” in China, and the U.S. is even now selling equipment to China. The Soviet Union does not believe that this alliance will prove powerful enough to significantly impair other Socialist countries, but their alliance should also not be ignored.