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September 9, 1973

Cryptogram No 1144 from Polish Embassy in Beijing, Romanian Diplomats in China

The Polish Embassy in Beijing reports that the Romanian ambassador is taking a hard line towards diplomats from other European socialist countries, avoiding contact, boycotting their receptions, and providing disinformation to them.

November 20, 1963

Minutes of the HSWP Political Committee Session - Views of Polish Leader Władysław Gomułka on the Cuban Proposal to Join the Warsaw Pact

Władysław Gomułka views of Cuba’s proposal to the Warsaw Pact are recorded in the minutes of a HSWP Political Committee session. He explains why Poland opposes Cuba’s entry into the Warsaw Pact. The statements include concerns over the Federal Republic of Germany, nuclear and conventional weapons, and counter-revolution.

November 9, 1989

Conversation between Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Solidarity Leader Lech Walesa

In this extraordinary conversation, Solidarity’s leader fears the collapse of the Wall would distract West Germany’s attention - and money - to the GDR, at the time when Poland, the trail-blazer to the post-communist era in Eastern Europe, desperately needed both. "Events are moving too fast," Walesa said, and only hours later, the Wall fell, and Kohl had to cut his Poland visit short to scramble back to Berlin, thus proving Walesa’s fear correct.

October 23, 1989

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation: Telephone Call from Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany, October 23, 1989, 9:02-9:26 a.m. EDT

Telephone conversation between President George H. W. Bush and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl on the situation in Eastern Europe.

February 16, 1970

Memorandum for President Nixon from Kissinger, "Brandt's Eastern Policy"

A memorandum for President Nixon from National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger summarizing West German Chancellor Willy Brandt's "Ostpolitik" or Eastern Policy, which sought to normalize relations between West Germany and the communist countries.

February 11, 1945

Yalta Conference Agreement, Declaration of a Liberated Europe

The text of the agreements reached at the Yalta (Crimea) Conference between President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Generalissimo Stalin.

March 31, 1984

KGB Report on New Elements in US Policy toward the European Socialist Countries

Information from the KGB shared with the Stasi about a high-level review of US policy by the Department of State. Presidential Directive [NS-NSDD] 54 from [September] 1982 made the main US objective to subvert Soviet influence in Eastern Europe.

August 20, 1957

Radio Free Europe Broadcasting Policy for Poland

Policy guidelines for Radio Free Europe broadcasts to Poland as approved by the Committee on Radio Broadcasting Policy.

July 27, 1968

Warsaw Pact Military Planning: To Division General Cde. Chocha

Soviet General-Lieutenant Kozmin requests information from Polish General Chocha so that Soviet troops may pass through Polish territory.

August 30, 1968

Cipher Telegram 3238-643, To the Commanding General of the 2nd Army of the Polish Armed Forces, Brigade General Cde. F. Siwicki

This text of this telegram is virtually identical to that of telegram 3234-8/220, also sent 30 August 1968.
