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Soviet briefing on the need to counter-balance Yugoslav endeavors concerning the Afghan question in the non-aligned countries

This document provides an assessment of Yugoslavia’s policy regarding non-aligned countries. The Soviet Union analyses how to counter-balance the non-alignment movement with its foreign policy. The topic of non-interference in internal political matters, and the opinion of Ghana, Kuwait, and India regarding Soviet involvement in Afghanistan are discussed.

October 29, 1980

Soviet briefing on the talks between Brezhnev and B. Karmal in Moscow

This document reveals Babrak Karmal's positive views of Soviet involvement in Afghanistan. Karmal thanks Soviet leadership for substantial economic and political support, discussing the integration of Soviet economic reforms into the Afghan economy. Karmal states that the turmoil within Afghan political parties is almost solved, and is progressing towards unity.

June 26, 1974

Decree of the CPSU CC - Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations 'Parcham' and 'Khalq' Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR

This document provides information for the leaders of the progressive Afghan political parties; and results of the CC elections.

June 2, 1974

Top Secret Attachment, by KGB cipher Kabul

This document emphasizes Soviet support for Afghanistan. The Soviets pledge to help with domestic and international policy, and state the cooperation between these two countries is in the interests of world peace.

January 8, 1974

DECREE of the Secretariat of the CC CPSU - An Appeal to the Leaders of the PDPA Groups 'Parcham' and 'Khalq'

This document illustrates Moscow's fear regarding the instability and infighting among Afghan political parties, and its corresponding consequences for Soviet involvement in the Middle East.

November 15, 1978

Decree of the CC CPSU Secretariat Concerning an appeal to the Czechoslovak Communist Party about K. Babrak

The Soviets condemn subversive activity against the PDPA, the primary Afghan and pro-Soviet political party. Such actions, according to the Soviet leadership, cause significant instability and political unrest in the region.

November 9, 1978

CC CPSU Concerning the appeal to the Czechoslovak Communist Party about K. Babrak

This document discusses how the former to Ambassador the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in Prague, Karmal Babrak, seeks asylum in Czechoslovakia so that he can stay abroad and continue criticizing the PDPA. In response to such activity, the CC CPC proposes to talk to Babrak about the need to end his subversive criticisms.

June 29, 1979

Excerpt from Minutes Nº 156 of the CC CPSU Politburo meeting

This document discusses the situations in Kabul with the CC CPSU and the CC PDPA.

February 16, 1980

Ciphered Telegram, Embassy of Hungary in India to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

A report from the Hungarian Embassy in India explaining that in the view of the Indian government, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan threatens regional stability as it could invite American and/or Chinese intervention.

September 1, 1981

A Report by Soviet Military Intelligence

Soviet Military Intelligence assess the equipment provided to Afghan counterrevolutionaries by the US, Britian, Egypt, and Pakistan.
