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August 4, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with Charge d’ Affaires of the Chinese Embassy Qiao Xiaoguang

A memorandum of conversation between Qiao Xiaoguang of the Chinese Embassy and Petrov of Soviet Embassy in North Korea about the DPRK government delegation's visit to the USSR.

November 17, 1977

On Relations between DPRK and PRC

A comprehensive assessment of Sino-North Korean relations written by the Embassy of the German Democratic Republic in North Korea.

May 12, 1975

Note concerning a Conversation between Ambassador Everhartz with the Head of Department II in the DPRK Foreign Ministry, Comrade Choe Sang-muk, about the Visit by Comrade Kim Il Sung to the PR China

Choe Sang-muk informs Everhartz about Kim Il Sung’s recent visit to the PRC, in which Kim discussed the situation in Cambodia and South Vietnam and the unification of the Korean peninsula.

May 6, 1975

Summarized Evaluation of Kim Il Sung's Visit to the PR China (18 to 26 April 1975)

A report on the visit of Kim Il Sung to the PRC, describing Kim Il Sung’s reception and the topics discussed. These include the two countries position on the Soviet Union, the role of the “Third World” and Korean reunification.

April 29, 1975

On the Visit of a DPRK Party and Government Delegation Headed by Kim Il Sung to the PR China from 18 to 26 April 1975

Report of the visit by DPRK officials to the PRC. This summary addresses the PRC’s and the DPRK’s relations with each other and their individual policies towards South Korea, it examines the issue of reunification and touches on the Sino-Soviet competition.

August 25, 1976

Telegram from Beijing to Bucharest, SECRET, Urgent, No. 066.252

The Embassy of Romania in Beijing assess the Chinese response to the Panmunjeom or "Axe Murder" Incident of August 1976.

December 16, 1975

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, No. 059.349

Nanu discusses the focus that US and PRC places on the tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The US refuses to withdraw its forces from the peninsula and instead proposes an international reunion to discuss the issue while China supports a direct bilateral meeting between the DPRK and the US.

October 23, 1975

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, No. 059.298

Pope discusses DPRK representatives' attempt to establish contacts with Henry Kissinger via China as Heo Dam is scheduled to meet Henry Kissinger after the latter's visit to Beijing.

May 10, 1975

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, SECRET, No. 059.156

At a recent state visit of the DPRK delegation to the PRC, both countries look at the developments in Indochina as positive and as predicted changes to the Korean Peninsula. Beijing agrees to increase trade and economic cooperation with North Korea while promising to keep distance from Seoul.

November 26, 1973

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, SECRET, No. 61.530

The telegram highlights the new South Korean effort to normalize relations with China and the USSR. Both Soviet and Chinese officials reject the overture from South Korea.
