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The Situation Surrounding the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France and Related Issues

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reviews the process of the normalization of relations between China and France and speculates how the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France might affect China's status in the United Nations and with the UK, Europe, Africa, and Japan.

November 19, 1957

Record of Conversation between Mao Zedong and A.A. Gromyko

A.A. Gromyko and Mao Zedong discussed Sino-Soviet relations, U.S. relations with Taiwan and Chiang Kai-shek, Chinese economic policy and conditions in comparison to industrialized countries, Chinese foreign policy and relations with the U.S. and Britain, the United Nations, Stalin, and Soviet leadership.

September 10, 1961

Record of Conversation between Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Deng Xiaoping

Deng Xiaoping and Kim Il Sung discuss a range of issues, including agriculture in North Korea, Koreans in Japan, and the situation in South Korea.

August 25, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Investigative Report on the [North] Korean Embassy in Beijing Supposedly Assuming Responsibility for the Provision of Essential Foodstuffs to Korean Residents of Beijing'

The North Korean embassy seeks to provide additional food to Korean expatriates living in Beijing, apparently due to the Great Leap famine.

December 25, 1959

Record of Conversation from Vice Premier Chen Yi's Reception of the Envoys of Fraternal Countries to China

Chen Yi briefs diplomats from the Soviet Union and elsewhere in Eastern Europe on the overseas Chinese crisis in Indonesia.

December 24, 1959

Draft, Report to the CC CPSU Plenum, 'About the Visit of the Soviet Party-Governmental Delegation to the PRC'

Soviet record of conversation between delegations from the Communist Parties of the Soviet Union and China. They argue over China's policy toward India and toward Taiwan, and assert that China is pursuing a path that will hurt its Communist allies and risk war. Also notes the extent of Mao's personality cult in China.

December 8, 1979

Cable No. 2659, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Okita – Gu Mu Meeting (A)'

Chinese and Japanese economic relations are discussed with specific references to the first Yen loan and the coal industry.

October 9, 1982

Record of Prime Minister Suzuki’s Visit to China and Meetings

Japan's Prime Minister meets with Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang, and Zhao Ziyang for a series of meetings. The two sides discuss bilateral political and economic relations, developments in China's economic policies, Sino-Soviet and Sino-American relations, the situation on the Korean peninsula, the status of Hong Kong and Taiwan, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the Japanese textbook issue, and ther topics.

March 25, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister Visit to China (Conversation with Chairman Deng Xiaoping)'

Deng Xiaoping and Nakasone Yasuhiro discuss how to strengthen Sino-Japanese relations, focusing in particular on the expansion of economic ties between the two countries.

March 25, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister Visit to China (Conversation with General Secretary Hu Yaobang)'

Hu Yaobang and Nakasone Yasuhiro exchange views on the Soviet Union, the Korean Peninsula, and Sino-Japanese relations.
