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November 22, 1973

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Diplomats of the Soviet Bloc discuss relations between the two Koreas, and what would be necessary for reunification. Sino-Korean relations, and Chinese military aid to the DPRK are also discussed.

July 25, 1950

Ciphered Telegram No. 13645 from Vyshinsky to Roschin

Telegram relaying message from Stalin to Mao and Zhou Enlai agreeing with proposal to train Chinese pilots on Soviet jet planes.

June 5, 1951

Ciphered Telegram No. 20448, Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao asks Stalin to receive Gao Gang and Kim Il Sung in Moscow so that they may discuss military operations in Korea.

August 1996

Ri Sang-jo Biography

Ri Sang-jo (Yi Sang Jo) was a central figure in promoting changes to the North Korean post-war development strategy. After meeting with Soviet officials in Moscow to encourage Soviet intervention in North Korean policies in 1956, Ri was removed from his post.

August 27, 1963

Telegram from Czech Embassy in Pyongyang to Foreign Ministry

July 3, 1951

Ciphered Telegram No. 21404, Mao Zedong to Cde. Filippov [Stalin]

Kim Il Sung’s message to Mao Zedong communicates Kim’s requirements for a peace proposal.

June 1974

Note from the Eighth Meeting of the Deputy Heads of the CC International Departments of Eight Parties in Ulaanbaatar devoted to the Struggle with Maoism

Rakhmanin reports on the state of China in relation to various countries such as the U.S. and Japan (with whom he worries a "triangle" of power is forming), Romania, Korea and Albania.

February 9, 1979

Mongolian Record of Conversation with Soviet Officials in Moscow, February 1979

Discusses the cancellation of the alliance treaty between China and the Soviet Union, and the impact this will have on the Mongolian People’s Republic. They are urged not to hurry the cancellation of the treaty, however, because China has not yet explicitly asked for it. They also note that there are anti-Soviet propaganda items being spread in Korea, and the growing role the U.S. is playing in Chinese affairs.

October 13, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Roshchin to Filippov (Stalin)

Message to Stalin from Roshchin relaying the rationale for Mao's reversal of his earlier hesitance to send Chinese troops to the aid of the North Koreans. General plans for the deployment are stated as well as a request for arms on credit from the Soviet Union.

July 16, 1952

Ciphered Telegram No. 502597, Razuvaev to Cdes. Vasilevsky and Vyshinsky, transmitting message from Kim Il Sung to I.V. Stalin

Telegram from Kim Il Sung to Stalin stating the current situation of the armistice talks and the pressure which is being exerted upon North Korea by uninhibited American air power. He makes a request for additional anti-aircraft support from the Soviet Union and China, which he believes will lead to a more advantageous bargaining position at the negotiating table.
