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April 13, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 22 March 1962'

Chomon is appointed Minister of Communications, and Inchaustegui's report is corroborated.

April 13, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 16 March 1962'

Kudryavtsev and Castro discuss diplomatic normalization between the USSR and Ecuador and a CPSU CC letter directed at restoring global unity of the Communist movement, and a report from Inchaustegui suggests renewed US attacks against Cuba.

February 28, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 3 February 1962'

During a conference to craft the Second Havana Declaration, Kudryavtsev meets with Fidel Castro to discuss Khrushchev's address to the Cuban General National Assembly.

January 27, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 3 January 1962'

Fidel Castro expresses concern regarding US pressure on Latin American countries to isolate Cuba at an upcoming OAS conference.

November 7, 1960

S. Kudryavtsev to A.F. Dobrynin, 'Record of Conversation with Raúl Roa, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 14 September 1960'

Kudryavtsev describes a meeting with Raul Roa where they discussed Khrushchev and Fidel Castro's meeting in New York City.

February 10, 1965

Record of the Fifth Contact between Premier Zhou and Vice Premier Chen Yi and Kosygin (1)

Zhou and Kosygin discussed the conflicts in Vietnam. They discussed in details of providing logistic and political supports to North Vietnam.

December 4, 1962

Report by Permanent Representative to NATO Alessandrini to Minister of Defense Andreotti

Italy's permanent representative to NATO Alessandrini writes to PM Andreotti in preparation for the upcoming Paris summit. He shares general remarks about the state of the alliance and current issues in international relations focusing on the German question, Cuba, and Sino-Soviet relations.

April 5, 1988

Record of Conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and Fidel Castro

Notes from telephone conversation between Gorbachev and Castro regarding advocating communist ideology through policy initiatives, and about Gorbachev's impending visit to Cuba.

February 15, 1972

Report from Etre Sándor, 'Foreign visits of the DPRK’s governmental delegations. Visit of Comrade Pak Seong-cheol to Hungary'

A report by Etre Sandor providing details about five North Korean governmental delegations to Africa and Middle East and the visit of Pak Seong-cheol to Hungary.

April 3, 1979

Information about the Results of the Official Friendly Visit of A.N. Kosygin in India (March 9-15 of This Year)

This document reports on the visit by the Soviet premier, Alexsei Kosygin, to India in March 1979. The Indian leadership once again confirms its intention to retain close relations with Moscow irrespective of the future relationship with the US and China. During the visit a number of trade and scientific agreements are signed. The USSR expresses its readiness to cooperate in the nuclear field on the basis of peaceful use as laid down in the Indian-Soviet agreement of January 1979. Reacting to the Chinese threat and its perceived objective to gain a hegemonic position in Asia, India wishes to talk about the delivery of more sophisticated military equipment. The Soviet officials interpret Indian foreign policy as moving closer to the Socialist Bloc and joining Vietnam and Cuba in the formation of a ‘leftist wing’ in the Non-Aligned Movement.
