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June 1961

Record of proceedings between the Soviet KGB and the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on the expansion of intelligence cooperation

This document chronicles what was discussed between the KGB and Czechoslovak Interior Ministry concerning the coordination of intelligence and counter-intelligence acquisition and joint implementation of some of these measures. Global foreign policy and intelligence measures are discussed in places as diverse as the USA, NATO countries, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the Vatican, Guatemala, Cuba, the Congo, Angola, Indonesia, India, England and France. The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union pledge to fight perceived imperialist threats from the USA in Latin America, Africa, the Near and Middle East and Southeast Asia. The document lists companies of interest to the two parties, primarily scientific, armament and machine factories and companies.

January 4, 1968

Report by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister on the Ministerial Meeting in Warsaw on the Situation in the Middle East, 19-21 December 1967

Ivan Bashev presents a report on the CPSU-organized meeting in Warsaw, where Eastern European government officials exchanged views on the situation in the Middle East. Among the discussed topics were the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Yemeni Civil War, and recent developments in Iraq.

December 1958

Regulations for the switch-board and high-frequency telephone lines between the USSR and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

This convention was drawn up by both parties based on article 12 of the Convention between the governments of the USSR and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. It concerns government-owned, high-frequency telephone lines connecting Moscow and Prague. Technical specifications are laid out, as are ways to ensure the confidentiality of information relayed along these telephone lines.

April 26, 1963

Agreement between the Soviet and Czechoslovak state security bodies on the terms of delivery for specialized technology and the related bookkeeping procedure

This document details how to improve ties between the state security forces of the Soviet Union and Czechoslovak Republic. It refers to the terms of direct delivery of specialized technology associated with a military delivery plan. There is also discussion on bookkeeping methods so both nations can register the delivery. The protocol is designed to improve coordination of reciprocal deliveries of specialized technology.

December 1, 1977

Agreement between the Soviet KGB and Czechoslovak Ministry of the Interior from the summer of 1978 to 1980

In order to combat the perceived threat of hostile, foreign special agents operating on Soviet and Czechoslovak territory, the two parties agree to centralize their efforts to ensure the security of the two countries. In order to counter the special agents of capitalist countries and preserve the security of state secrets, the two parties decide to exchange counter-intelligence activity on subversive activity in Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union and other socialist states. The two parties agree to focus on citizens of capitalist countries such as the United States, England, France and other NATO member nations and citizens of the People's Republic of China and the German Democratic Republic in their intelligence efforts. Specifically, the parties agree to monitor citizens of these countries working in Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union and people working for representative agencies of the aforementioned countries. Also being monitored are Czechoslovak and Soviet citizens returning from capitalist or developing countries, corresponding with people in capitalist countries and having an address in a capitalist country. In conclusion, the KGB and Czechoslovak Interior Ministry agree to regular, bilateral exchange of information on hostile residents of both countries who are thought to be in the employ of the special intelligence services of NATO countries and China.

December 19, 1974

Plan regarding coordination between the Czechoslovak Ministry of the Interior and the Soviet KGB for the years 1975 -1977

This plan broadly outlines coordination between the security organs of the CSSR and SSSR for the years 1975, 1976 and 1977. The two parties pledge to implement joint operations to detect and prevent hostile activities and protect bilateral and unilateral state secrets. Protocol on short-term entrance and exit to both territories is discussed, as is the exchange of operational information on hostile activities of foreign governments; scientific-technical and trade exchanges are also part of this agreement. Rules governing international flights, rail commerce and shipping lines are contained in the last section of this plan.

November 4, 1956

Stenographic record of a 4 November 1956 meeting of Party activists

Khrushchev describes the events of the counterrevolution in Hungary and the crisis in Poland. He recounts the CPSU's consultations with other communist parties in the socialist camp to determine their attitude toward Soviet intervention, particularly in Hungary. Leaders from China, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia agreed with the Soviet position, but Polish leaders opposed the presence of Soviet troops in Hungary. Khrushchev reports that following these meetings, the CPSU CC Presidium decided to prepare for an attack on the counterrevolutionary forces in Hungary. He then reads aloud an open letter which declares the Hungarian Revolutionary Workers and Peasants Government. He gives details about the suppression of the counterrevolution by Soviet armed forces and the positive reaction of the socialist countries. He states that the lessons of the counterrevolution are to improve relations with the fraternal parties and the socialist countries and to treat them with respect; to improve political work among students and the masses so that they are not mislead by counterrevolutionaries; and to strengthen the Soviet Army.

January 22, 1975

Protocol on steps to increase coordination between the Czechoslovak Ministry of the Interior and the Soviet Ministry of the Interior in 1975

This agreement provides for short visits by employees of the Czechoslovak and Soviet Interior Ministries in the other country in order to share knowledge in the areas of criminology, security, scientific experimentation and academia. The two parties agree to semiannual exchanges on the most major security and criminal issues faced in each country. Dates for conferences are set and the number and titles of publications for exchange are listed. These publications concern security matters, criminology, military information and crime statistics.

March 6, 1961

Protocol on the joint negotiations of the Czechoslovak Interior Ministry delegation and the delegation of KGB border troops

The Czechoslovak and Soviet delegations discussed the fulfillment of the 1958 joint proceedings on Soviet border troops, further coordination of the border organs of both parties, the relay of technical equipment at the border and joint actions for border searches. Also on the agenda was the easing of border passage in times of emergency for citizens of both states.

July 2, 1962

Agreement about Cooperation between the Committee for State Security under the USSR Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

The two delegations outline ways to unite their security apparatuses in the fight against subversive activity. Bilateral measures to be taken include the implementation of material and informational exchanges on hostile individuals and the sharing of news on the form and manner of unfriendly activity.
