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January 22, 1976

Oral Message from the President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim Il Sung, to the President of the [Socialist Federal] Republic [of Yugoslavia], Josip Broz Tito

Kim Il Sung wishes President Tito a good recovery. Kim expresses the need for the further consolidation of the results of his visit to Yugoslavia the previous year. Kim wishes to express his opinion on the upcoming Non-Aligned Movement summit and Tito’s upcoming visit to Latin America.

July 23, 1974

President Tito's Reply [to the Letter and Message from Kim Il Sung]

Tito agrees with Kim on the importance of reunification and the need for US troops to withdraw from South Korea.

July 22, 1973

President Tito's Response to Kim Il Sung's Message of July 7, 1973

Tito encourages bilateral relations between Yugoslavia and North Korea, and offers his support for the peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula.

July 7, 1973

Message from the President of Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim Il Sung, to the President of the [Socialist Federal] Republic [of Yugoslavia], Josip Broz Tito

Kim Il Sung asks President Tito to support the North Korean government’s efforts for the peaceful unification of the Peninsula.

January 9, 1989

Untitled report from Mieczysław Dedo, Polish Ambassador to the DPRK, concerning the results of Kim Jong Nam’s visit to Iran

The Polish Ambassador in North Korea summarizes the results of Kim Jong Nam's visit to Iran, including possible oil deliveries, arms sales, and cooperation in uranium enrichment.

June 4, 1984

Untitled report the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Stefan Olszowski concerning his meeting with the Soviet Ambassador Aleksandr Aksionau in Poland

During a visit to the USSR, Kim Il Sung stressed the unity of socialist countries especially in Southeast Asia. Kim mentioned that DPRK has no intention of attacking South Korea.

March 4, 1984

Stanisław Kramarz, 'Record of a Conversation of the Embassy Councillor-Minister Com. A. Juniewicz with Deputy Director of the Far East Department of the MOFA of the USSR, Com. Fadeev'

Polish and Soviet officials discuss the latest developments in North Korea. They state that the internal situation in DPRK is stable. In addition, in order to solve economic hardships, the DPRK seeks enhanced cooperation with the Soviet Union.

April 29, 1976

Wasilewski, 'Urgent Report regarding the Current Situation in the DPRK, on the Korean Peninsula'

Polish and Soviet officials review the internal situation in and the foreign policy of the DPRK, including relations with both socialist and capitalist countries.

April 28, 1969

Col. Mieczysław Białek, 'Record of Conversation conducted by Col. Białek with USSR Military Attaché Col. Latishev'

The Polish and Soviet military attachés in North Korea discuss recent developments. Some generals in the DPRK are being purged or demoted for not sufficiently praising and following the experiences of the anti-Japanese partisan movement.

October 3, 1968

Col. Mieczysław Białek, 'Record of Conversation at the Military Attaché Office and with the Ambassador of Soviet Union in Pyongyang, Comrade Sudarikov'

Socialist bloc officials discuss developments at the Korean armistice line and the fate of the USS Pueblo crew.
