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August 21, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Park Chung Hee's August 15 Address

In a drastic change from previous policy, President Park Chung Hee called for the peaceful reunification of the peninsula. One of the prerequisites would be North Korea's uneqivocal acceptance of the competence and authority of the UN. Some believe that the strength of the ROK economy and SALT program may have prompted Park's change in attitude.

July 31, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

The Park administration continues to urge that a modernization of ROK defense forces needs to take place before US troop withdrawal. In a crisis of confidence, the ROK government fears US abandonment vis-a-vis North Korea.

June 27, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Officer-in-Charge Osman to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

In connection with the 20th anniversary of the Korean War, the governments of North Korea and South Korea have made statements on the requirements for unification. Additionally, North Korean agents infiltrated the ROK National Cemetery and attempted a bombing.

May 1, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

Principal Secretary of UNCURK Kuzbari updates Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan on the division in ROK government over providing support to Cambodia as it may affect the balance power in the peninsular and infiltrations along the DMZ.

March 31, 1953

Statement of Molotov, Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Korean Question

Molotov's statement on the Korean Question.

February 23, 1970

Letter, Anti-Communist League Secretary-General Jose Ma. Hernandez, Concerning North Korean Aggressions

Secretary-General of the World Anti-Communist League Jose Ma. Hernandez raises a call to arms to the Red Cross and United Nations in response to North Korean KAL hijacking and potential biological warfare.

October 12, 1979

Cable the British Defense Attache in Seoul, 'Suspected North Korean Tunnel'

A British defense attache report on the discovery of North Korean tunnels in South Korea.

March 29, 1953

Ciphered Telegram from Kuznetsov and Fedorenko

Report that Kim Il Sung agrees that it is time to bring the war to an end, if not through military means than through negotiations.

September 6, 1963

Memorandum of a Conversation of c. Moravec with the USSR Ambassador to the DPRK

C. Moskovskyi asked c. Moravec about celebration ceremonies in the DPRK and for clarification of the KWP's positions on foreign policies. The Soviet Union is allegedly interested in establishing economic ties with South Korea.

April 18, 1961

Report on Political Development in the DPRK

An analysis on the political development in the DPRK, including the Juche ideology, and North Korean foreign policies.
