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January 7, 1964

Memorandum of a Conversation with the USSR Ambassador, c. V. P. Moskovskyi

Soviet Ambassador Moskovsky talks with the Cuban Ambassador to Pyongyang about the foreign policies of North Korea and, in particular, North Korea's position in the Sino-Soviet split.

May 16, 1963

Memorandum of a Conversation with the USSR Ambassador to the DPRK c. V.P. Moskovskyi.

Moravec and Moskovsky review North Korea's foreign policies, focusing on Kim Chang-man's critical remarks of the Soviet Union.

May 27, 1965

On the Development of Situation in DPRK in May 1965: Political Report No. 8

Czechoslovakian ambassador to DPRK mentioned on foreign relationship with DPRK and domestic political situations.


Information about Development of Politics of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and of Czechoslovak – Korean Relations

Czech diplomats review the DPRK's foreign relations with Eastern Europe and Asia, especially the USSR, China, and Czechoslovakia.

May 2, 1967

Regarding Some Issues about Soviet-North Korean Relations

A Czech report on Soviet-North Korean relations in the wake of visit of Kim Il Sung to Moscow.

June 18, 1968

Note on a Conversation with the Director of the 1st Department of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK, Comrade Ri In-gyu, on 15 June 1968, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Ri In-gyu criticizes United States policy towards the two Koreas and the actions of the U.S. government in Asia.

April 27, 1968

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Pak Seong-cheol voices North Korea's views on the capture of the USS Pueblo, relations among communist countries, and events in Czechoslovakia.

February 1968

Information about the Situation in Korea as the USSR Ambassador in Prague c. S.V. Cervonenko relayed it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs c. V. David.

The Czechoslovak Deputy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs outlines Soviet policy towards the USS Pueblo Incident.

February 5, 1968

Information on the Situation in Korea

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia analyzes the underlying context behind and causes of the Pueblo Incident and other dangerous military engagements on the Korean Peninsula.

February 2, 1968

Memorandum on an Information of 1 February 1968

The East German Embassy in Pyongyang reports that North Korea, fearful of counter attacks in the wake of seizing the USS Pueblo, is on a state of alert.
