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June 8, 1979

Memorandum for Zbigniew Brzezinski from Nick Platt, 'PRC Meeting on PRM-45 Thursday, June 7, 1979,’ June 6, 1979, and Policy Review Committee, 'Korea'

Brzezinski sent a summary of the PRC meeting, including a discussion on the inter-relationship between troop withdrauwl policy and human rights issues in South Korea.

May 19, 1977

Memorandum for Jimmy Carter from Warren Christopher, 'US Policy in Korea: Withdrawal of Ground Combat Forces'

Warren Christopher sent papers on measures to sustain deterrence in Korea, summarizing major issues including ground force withdrawal schedule, defense compensation package and Air Force Deployment.

March 3, 1977

Telegram from the Secretary of State to the American Embassy in Seoul, 'Approach to Pakistanis on US-North Korean Contacts'

Stern reported that acting Foreign Minister Yoon was aware of NK-Pakistani-US communications. He reassured Yoon that the president policy of not holding discussions with North Koreans without participation of ROK had not changed.

October 23, 1976

Note from the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Oslo to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

North Korea objects to the expulsion of North Korean embassy personnel from Norway and denies that any illegal smuggling took place.

November 18, 1969

N. Sudarikov, 'The Main Directions of the Domestic and Foreign Policy of the KWP CC and DPRK Government and the Situation in Korea'

The document describes the increased exaltation of Kim Il Sung. Regarding international relations, the DPRK diverges with the Soviet Union and other European countries. The document also touches on relations with the Soviet Union, China, and South Korea. Lastly, some issues which should be addressed during the visit of Pak Seong-cheol to the Soviet Union are mentioned.

August 28, 1969

From the Journal of N.M. Shubnikov, 'Record of a Conversation with Janos Lewandowski, Director of the 2nd Department of the PNR MFA'

After discussing economic relations between the DPRK and Poland, Lewandowski states that DPRK’s absence in the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ parties cannot be justified. He denounces Juche ideology as a purely nationalist policy which has nothing to do with the ideas of internationalism.

March 28, 1969

Far East Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'The Domestic Situation and the Foreign Policy of the Korean People's Democratic Republic'(Regarding political report and other information materials of Soviet embassy in DPRK in 1968)

The document discusses the DPRK's difficult economic situation and several changes in the political system, such as a new ideology "Juche" and shifts in the high command in parties. It also examines international politics of DPRK with China, Japan, and the Soviet Union.

November 16, 1972

From the Journal of N.G. Sudarikov, 'Record of a Conversation with Kim Yong-nam, First Deputy Chief of the KWP CC International Department, 19 October 1972'

Kim Yong-nam insists that South Korea should be blamed for establishing an anti-communist policy, which violates the third principle of reunification. He also discusses the special declaration of Park Chung Hee, which was released on October 17, 1972.

May 15, 1972

From the Journal of N.G. Sudarikov, 'Record of a Conversation with Kim Il Sung, General Secretary of the KWP CC and Chairman of the DPRK Cabinet of Ministers, 9 May 1972'

Kim Il Sung credits the diplomatic achievements and economic development of North Korea for creating greater opposition and chaos in South Korea. He also broaches how the two Koreas have different opinions on family reunions.

December 9, 1980

Record for the Vice Minister Comrade Dr. Házi Vencel about the consultations with Comrade O Man-seok, the Head of Department of the DPRK’s Foreign Affairs Ministry

O Man-seok's brief of DPRK internal policies activities to move forward the cause of unifying Korea.
