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March 10, 1980

The North-South Dialogue and Potential Codel Visit to North Korea

Assistant Secretary Holbrooke informs the American Embassy in Seoul that Ambassador Kim Yong-sik and the ROK are extremely upset by Congressman Solarz's intent to go to Pyongyang. He emphasizes that Solarz is aware of US policy toward North Korea and would not carry a message from the US during his visit.

December 21, 1974

The Record of Conversation between Foreign Minister of Mongolian People's Republic and President Kim Il Sung of North Korea at 21 Dec., 1974

During the Foreign Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic's visit to Pyongyang, Kim Il Sung thanks Mongolia for its support of Korea's unification and welcomes discussion on each country's economic situation. Kim Il Sung also laments North Korea's military burden, expressing distaste for American imperialism.

March 17, 1972

Protocols of the Talks between the Mongolian and the North Korean Government Delegations

Officials of the Mongolian People's Republic and the North Korea discuss North Korea's view on inter-Korean relations regarding reunification, the Park Chung Hee regime in South Korea, and their diplomatic orientation toward other socialist states.

January 29, 1968

Record of Conversation between Mongolian Deputy Foreign Minister Chimiddorj and the Counselor of the Soviet Embassy Basmanov on the USS Pueblo Crisis

Mongolian Deputy Foreign Minister D. Chimiddorj meets with Counselor of the Soviet Embassy, M.I. Basmanov to discuss North Korea's conflict with the US over the capture of the USS Pueblo. Basmanov describes the Soviet Embassy's involvement acting as a go-between for the United States and North Korea.


The Political, Economic and Social-Cultural Situation of the Democratic Popular Republic Of Korea, 1954

A report on the DPRK's economic and socio-cultural situation, including political parties and mass organizations in North Korea.

May 23, 1966

Record of Conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK Comrade Pak Seong-cheol

Pak Seong-cheol explains North Korea's military policies and stances toward reunification, Japan, and military relations with the Soviet Union.


Reports on the DPRK Ambassador's Visits to Prague at the Foreign Ministry

A compilation of reports on the DPRK's efforts to gain support from other countries at the United Nations, among other issues.

April 21, 1954

Report, Hungarian Legation in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

The Hungarian Legation specifies the duties of the trade unions in North Korea following the Armistice Agreeement.

December 31, 1953

Political Report No. 8 of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Poland in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the Period of 1 December to 31 December 1953

The Polish Embassy provides information on the KWP Central Committee, the Supreme People's Assembly, agreements to receive assistance from communist countries, and the situation of industries, education, and health in North Korea.

September 30, 1953

Report No. 5 of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Poland in the Democratic Republic of Korea for the Period of 1 August 1953 to 30 September 1953

The Embassy of the Polish Republic reports on 6th Plenum of the Korean Workers' Party Central Committee and the focus on economic reconstruction and industrialization.
