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April 30, 1953

Report No. 2 of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Poland in the Democratic Republic of Korea for the Period of 1 March 1953 to 30 April 1953

The Polish Embassy addresses North Korea's reactions toward Stalin's death, its domestic policies in line with the recommendations of the 5th Plenum of the KWP CC, and its stance towards the truce talks.

January 24, 1953

Note from the Embassy of the Polish Republic in Korea

A report on North Korea's preparations for war.


The Restoration of the National Unity of Korea and the Holding of National Elections

The report makes recommendations for elections in post-war Korea and the withdrawal of foreign troops from the Peninsula.

June 25, 1950

Cable, Shtykov to Cde. A.A. Gromyko

A report from the North Korea Ministry of Internal Affairs on an alleged offensive carried out by South Korean forces and the official start of the Korean War.

September 24, 1977

Telegram 066738 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Heo Dam's planned visit to New York, possibly to counter South Korea's diplomatic efforts there. It also notes speculation on a change in US position towards the DPRK, which the Romanian Embassy finds unfounded.

October 10, 1977

Telegram 066764 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pol Pot’s Visit to the DPRK

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the DPRK's warm reception of Pol Pot in North Korea. The DPRK appears very committed to developing strong bilateral relations with Kampuchea.

February 28, 1977

US National Security Council Memorandum, 'Contacts and Communications with North Korea'

Mike Armacost weighs in on North Korea's policy toward the United States, and whether Cyrus Vance ought to reply to a letter from North Korean Foreign Minister Heo Dam.

August 26, 1975

Memoranda of Conversations between James R. Schlesinger and Park Chung Hee and Suh Jyong-chul

Several memoranda of conversations between U.S. Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger and Park Chung Hee and other leading South Korean officials.

April 1955

Information on the Situation in the DPRK

Soviet diplomats Fedorenko and Ponomarev report on a wide range of issues involving North Korea, including agriculture, industry, and economic conditions in the DPRK, relations with China and the Soviet Union, and the situation in South Korea.

March 12, 1975

Meeting Minutes between Lee Sang-ok and Paul Cleveland

U.S. diplomat Paul Cleveland relays Department of State remarks on a February 26 incident in the West Sea to South Korean official Lee Sang-ok.
