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November 26, 1973

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, SECRET, No. 61.530

The telegram highlights the new South Korean effort to normalize relations with China and the USSR. Both Soviet and Chinese officials reject the overture from South Korea.

November 15, 1973

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, SECRET, No. 061.465, Urgent

The document describes several gatherings of Korean People's Army corps in Pyongyang where military leaders presented a report underlying the necessity of increasing the level of technical and combat preparedness of the army. The author observes how the rhetoric of driving out "American imperialists" and unifying the peninsula had reappeared in North Korea.

August 1973

Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Note, No. 01/010123/73, Secret

Romanian official reports on the progress of the 6 year plan and the intensive industrial and agricultural projects taking place around North Korea. Alongside improvements in the living standards of the Korean people, the report also notes Pyongyang's efforts to strengthen the military capabilities of the state. The document also mentions rise in food price since 1971, North Korea's support for revolutionary movements in Asia and North Korea's plans for the ascension of a single Korean state to the UN.

April 12, 1973

Telegram from Pyongyang, SECRET, No.061.121, Urgent

A Romanian diplomat reports on the second session of the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly. The meeting focused on increasing the state budget to accomplish the 6-year plan with particular focus on heavy industry, machinery, raw material extraction, and energy production. The meeting also noted the need to increase the standard of living for the North Korean people. Nonetheless, no mention was made on collaborating with the outside world for economic and technological cooperation.

February 27, 1975

Telegram from the American Embassy in Seoul to the Secretary of State, “Yellow Sea Incident between North and South, February 26-27"

The American Embassy in Seoul assesses the naval clash between North and South Korea in the Yellow Sea on February 26-27, 1975.

February 28, 1974

348th Meeting of the United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission

During the 348th Meeting of the United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission (UNCMAC) on February 28, 1974, North Korea and the United States argue over the Northern Limit Line Dispute.

February 25, 1974

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, SECRET, Urgent, No. 060.079

The Embassy of Romania of Pyongyang assesses the February 15 naval clash between North and South Korea based on the comments of B.K. Pimenov, Minister-Counselor within the USSR Embassy in Pyongyang.

January 1974

The West Coast Korean Islands

A Central Intelligence Agency assessment of the origins of the Northern Limit Line.

December 22, 1973

Memorandum for Secretary Kissinger from John A. Froebe, Jr., “Korean West Coast Island Situation"

John A. Froebe, Jr., briefs Henry Kissinger on the Northern Limit Line Dispute.

December 21, 1973

Joint State/Defense Message, “Questions Regarding Northern Limit Line"

The U.S. Departments of State and Defense analyze North Korea's claims relating to the Northern Limit Line and the origins of the NLL.
