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September 3, 1949

Telegram, Tunkin to Vyshinsky

Kim Il Sung, having recieved intelligence suggesting South Korea intended to seize the Ongjin Peninsula, requests Soviet permission to move further into South Korea.

September 11, 1949

Telegram from Gromyko to Tunkin at the Soviet Embassy in Pyongyang

The Soviet Union sends a set of questions to Kim Il Sung on about the South Korean army and North Korea's war plans.

September 24, 1949

Politburo Decision to Confirm the Following Directive to the Soviet Ambassador in Korea

The Soviet Politburo argues that North Korea is not ready to launch a successful overthrow of the South Korean regime and suggests North Korea should concentrate its efforts on developing partisan groups in South Korea.

January 19, 1950

Telegram Shtykov to Vyshinsky on a Luncheon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK

Shtykov reports a meeting with Kim Il Sung, along with Chinese and Korean delegates. Kim Il Sung expresses his view on the prospect of a liberation of the South Korean people that is to follow the Chinese success in liberation. Kim expresses his view that the South Koreans support his cause for reunification which the South Korean government does not seem to purse, and that he desires to ask Stalin for permission on an offensive action on South Korea.

January 30, 1950

Telegram from Stalin to Shtykov

Stalin asks Shtykov to relay a message to Kim Il Sung about North Korea's proposed offensive against South Korea and Soviet Union's request for lead from North Korea.

September 29, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to Gromyko and Stalin

Shtykov gives an insider’s report of a meeting with Kim Il Sung and Pak Heon-yeong, in which they discussed the current desperate state of the KPA, possible advancement of the US forces over the 38th parallel and the extent of the enemy’s knowledge of Soviet Union deliveries to North Korea. Kim asks for advice concerning the appeal for military aid that the Political Council of the Worker’s Party of Korea plans to send to Stalin. Shytkov comments on the nervousness and desperation of the Korean officials.

May 3, 1962

Information on the Reunification Policy of the Korean Workers' Party

A memorandum prepared by the First Extra-European Department of the East German Foreign Ministry on revisions within North Korea's reunification policies.

July 18, 1967

Memorandum on a Meeting with a Delegation from the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK on 3 July 1967

A memorandum of conversation between Ri Yeong-ho and Hermann Matern in which two discuss bilateral relations, East Germany's domestic and foreign policy, North Korea's foreign policy, incidents in the Demilitarized Zone, and North Korea's military policy.

August 3, 1973

Letter to Erich Honecker from Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung explains US actions in South Korea and North Korean ideas to achieve a peaceful reunification of Korea ("five-point-plan").

December 13, 1977

Report on the Official Friendship Visit to the DPRK by the Party and State Delegation of the GDR, led by Comrade Erich Honecker

Report on the official visit to the DPRK of a GDR delegation led by Erich Honecker. Included are the summary of the visit and the text of the Agreement on Developing Economic and Scientific/Technical Cooperation.
