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August 1996

Ri Sang-jo Biography

Ri Sang-jo (Yi Sang Jo) was a central figure in promoting changes to the North Korean post-war development strategy. After meeting with Soviet officials in Moscow to encourage Soviet intervention in North Korean policies in 1956, Ri was removed from his post.

June 18, 1975

Letter From GDR Ambassador Wenning to Bulgarian Member of the Politburo and Secretary of SED Central Committee Comrade Hermann Axen

This letter encloses a translated copy of an "Information for the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party about the Talks between Comrades Todor Zhivkov and Kim Il Sung during the Visit of the DPRK Party and Government Delegation to Bulgaria from 2 to 5 June 1975." In it is discussed both Kim Il Sung's remarks on Korean unification both officially and privately with Comrade Todor Zhivkov. Essentially in both cases Kim makes the argument that the path of military reunification is largely closed off due to the superior military presence of both South Korean and American forces, and instead discusses the details of achieving peaceful reunification by swelling up internal divisions within South Korea, forcing the withdrawal of American forces, and isolating the Park Chung Hee regime internationally.

January 13, 1958

Notes from a Conversation between the 1st Secretary of the PRL Embassy in the DPRK with Go Hui-man, Director of the Industry Department of the CC, on 13.I.1958

Brzezinski Henryk and Go Hwiman discuss the economic situation in North Korea.

June 11, 1965

Introductory Visit of the Soviet Ambassador to North Korea, Comrade Gorchakov, on 10 June 1965

East German Ambassador Brie reports about relations between North Korea and the Soviet Union regarding economic affairs and relations between North Korea and China. He also discusses relations between East Germany and North Korea, and gives a description of disputes between the East German and Chinese Ambassador.

June 28, 1965

Report about Information on North Korea from 24 June 1965

Report about North Korean decrease of wages, supply of the North Korean people with comestible goods, death penalty in North Korea, and vituperations of GDR citizen's child by North Korean children.

July 12, 1965

Changes in the Leadership of the Korean Workers Party and the Government of North Korea

Report about the improvement of North Korean relations with East Germany and the Soviet Union. A slight pejoration of North Korean-Chinese relations is also marked.

January 31, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Shtykov to Comrade Stalin

As a response to Stalin's willingness to talk to Kim Il Sung on the issue of offensive attack to South Korea and on Stalin's request of lead, Kim Il Sung, according to Shtykov, responded that he would like to set up a meeting with him, and that he would take necessary measures for the lead to be delivered to the Soviet Union.

February 7, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Shtykov to Vyshinsky

Shtykov relays to Vyshinsky Kim Il Sung's questions regarding the central committee's decision to issue a loan, on whether they can proceed toward forming more infantry, and on if North Korea could use in 1950 the credit the Soviet government had allocated for 1951. In answer to Kim Il Sung's requests, Shtykov answered ambiguously, stating that more thought needs to be put in.

March 9, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to Vyshinsky

In a telegram to Shytykov which he then relays to Vyshinsky, Kim Il Sung writes that North Korea requests of the Soviet Union military and technical support. In return, North Korea is sending the natural resources such as gold and silver to Soviet Union. Kim requests that a

March 21, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Shtykov to Vyshinsky

Shtykov reports on his meeting with Kim Il Sung where Kim Il Sung requests a meeting with Stalin in Moscow.
