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March 10, 1964

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

A report on a meeting between Nikita Khrushchev and the North Korean ambassador in which the two discussed the situation in South Korea.

July 2, 1960

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Károly Práth reports on North Korea's Seven-Year Plan, the difference in ideological views between the Chinese and Soviets, and Korea's relations with those two countries.

October 11, 1960

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Hungarian Chargé d’Affaires ad interim Károly Fendler reports on North Korea's "policy of the mass line."

February 9, 1979

Mongolian Record of Conversation with Soviet Officials in Moscow, February 1979

Discusses the cancellation of the alliance treaty between China and the Soviet Union, and the impact this will have on the Mongolian People’s Republic. They are urged not to hurry the cancellation of the treaty, however, because China has not yet explicitly asked for it. They also note that there are anti-Soviet propaganda items being spread in Korea, and the growing role the U.S. is playing in Chinese affairs.

December 8, 1967

Letter from Ambassador Brie of the GDR in the DPRK to Deputy MFA Hegen

East German Ambassador to North Korea Horst Brie reports on the growing number of incidents at the Demilitarized Zone between North Korean forces and South Korean and U.S. forces. Brie offers his own analysis of the military situation in Korea while highlighting the different views of officials from Czechoslovakia and Poland.

November 2, 1960

An Assessment by the GDR Foreign Ministry of the Report from the GDR Embassy in Pyongyang regarding the Economic Situation of the DPRK for the 1st Semester of 1960

The GDR Foreign Ministry assess the economic failures of the DPRK, attributing the work of the (Korean Worker's) Party, including the partition of the 7-year plan and other problems in agriculture and industries, as the major cause.

August 28, 1962

Notes from a Conversation between Comrade Durcak of the Czech Embassy in the DPRK with the Soviet Ambassador, Comrade Moskovskii, on 28.VIII.1962.

The Embassy of Czechoslovakia in North Korea comments on educational policies in North Korea and the state of Soviet-North Korean relations.

January 24, 1968

Memorandum of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK for the Ambassadors and Acting Ambassadors of all Socialist Countries accredited to the DPRK

Kim Jae-bong claims the U.S. is trying to instigate a new war in Korea via the USS Pueblo Incident and urges the socialist countries to support North Korea.

January 29, 1968

Memorandum of Conversation with the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Hungary, Comrade Kadasch

Ho Seok-tae informs Comrade Kadasch that he is going to send a delegation to the United Nations Security Council to explain the USS Pueblo incident and that he has asked the Hungarians to defend the DPRK at the UN.

October 1, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai (via Roshchin)

Telegram from Stalin to Mao and Zhou Enlai asking that they consider moving 5-6 divisions of Chinese volunteers to the China-DPRK border in order to give the North Koreans cover under which to reorganize their troops. Stalin explicitly states that he will not mention this idea to the North Koreans.
