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November 21, 1951

Ciphered Telegram No. 26044, Gromyko to Razuvaev

Telegram from Gromyko to Razuvaev instructing him to explain to the Chinese and Koreans the reasoning behind Vyshinsky's demand that the demarcation line be established at the 38th parallel rather than at the present front line.

July 16, 1952

Ciphered Telegram No. 502597, Razuvaev to Cdes. Vasilevsky and Vyshinsky, transmitting message from Kim Il Sung to I.V. Stalin

Telegram from Kim Il Sung to Stalin stating the current situation of the armistice talks and the pressure which is being exerted upon North Korea by uninhibited American air power. He makes a request for additional anti-aircraft support from the Soviet Union and China, which he believes will lead to a more advantageous bargaining position at the negotiating table.

July 17, 1952

Ciphered telegram, Filippov (Stalin) to Mao Zedong

Telegram from Stalin to Mao expressing his and Kim Il Sung's agreement with Mao's bargaining position at the armistice talks.

March 19, 1953

Resolution, USSR Council of Ministers with draft letters from Soviet Government to Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sung and directive to Soviet delegation at United Nations

A resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers which states the coordination that will need to take place between the Soviets and Chinese at the UN regarding the question of POW's. It then suggests that this should be used as a lead-in to introduce resolutions on the resolution of the Korean conflict. Corresponding letters, directed to Mao and Kim Il Sung, and the Soviet delegation to the UN are attached.

April 5, 1962

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Report from Hungarian Ambassador József Kovács on criticism of Soviet revisionism from within the Korean Workers' Party and the increase of institutional paranoia in North Korea, especially of foreigners and foreign-born Koreans.
