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March 3, 1975

US National Security Council Memorandum, ROK Weapons Plans

American officials in Washington, D.C., conclude that South Korea is in the initial stages of developing a nuclear weapons program.

March 12, 1975

Meeting Minutes between Lee Sang-ok and Paul Cleveland

U.S. diplomat Paul Cleveland relays Department of State remarks on a February 26 incident in the West Sea to South Korean official Lee Sang-ok.

March 4, 1968

GDR Embassy Letter to State Secretary Hegen

A wide-ranging report written by the East German Ambassador on the USS Pueblo Incident, inter-Korean relations, North Korean military and defense policies, the juche ideology, economic development in the DPRK, and North Korea's foreign relations.

February 4, 1968

"Information about the Situation in Korea"

A wide ranging Czeck government report on the causes, consequences, and potential resolutions to the USS Pueblo Incident.


Revolutionary New Year's Greetings to the 40 Million Heroic Korean People

Eldridge Cleaver applauds the North Koreans for being the beacons of the anti-imperialist revolution and praises Kim Il Sung's leadership against U.S. imperialism and Japanese colonialism. According to Cleaver, the Black Panther Party supports and join hands with the North Koreans against fascism, imperialism, and the ruling class. Cleaver also criticizes South Korea for being a puppet state of U.S. imperialism.


Speech at the Pyongyang City Mass Rally Held on the Occasion of the "Day of Struggle for the Withdrawal of the US Imperialist Aggression Army Away from South Korea"

A speech given at the Pyongyang City Mass Rally by Eldridge Cleaver in which he suggests that U.S. imperialism first became evident with the Korean War. North Korea has developed around the leadership of Kim Il Sung and has established a strong military and industry to as countermeasures in the case of a new war. According to Cleaver, if the anti-imperialist Asian countries join against US imperialism, they will be able to knock it down and ensure the victory of their cause.

May 20, 1978

Minutes of Conversation at the Official Meeting between the Romanian Delegation and the Korean Delegation

Minutes of conversation between Nicolae Ceausescu and Kim Il Sung; the topic of the conversation is the domestic situation (mostly economic) in North Korea and the foreign relations of Romania and North Korea.

October 1976

Report on a Stay of a GDR Military Delegation in the DPRK in October 1976

Kim Il Sung and Heinz Hoffmann discuss the "axe murder" incident of 18 August, which Kim Il Sung interprets as a deliberate provocation by the Americans .

August 31, 1976

Report on the ‘Axe Murder Incident’ from the GDR Embassy in North Korea

Report on the killing of two American officers in the Joint Security Area. Ambassador Steinhofer states that this incident is a testimony of the tense situation that exists between the two sides and he provides an analysis of what the implications of this incident are.

June 18, 1975

Information on the Talks between Kim Il Sung and Todor Zhivkov

Todor Zhivkov summarizes his official and private talks about Korean unification with Kim Il Sung during Kim's visit to Bulgaria in June 1975.
