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April 17, 1965

Record of Conversation between Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Kuznetsov and North Korean Ambassador to the Soviet Union Kim Byeong-jik

Kim Byeong-jik discusses the situation in South Korea and Japanese-South Korean relations.

April 9, 1966

Record of Conversation between Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Seong-cheol

Pak Seong-cheol claims that the American forces in South Korea are a hindrance in the way of reunification and comments on Soviet-North Korean relations and Japan.

June 4, 1962

Information about a Conversation between the Ambassador of the DPRK Comrade Gwon Yeong-tae and Comrade Alfred Kurella

The North Korean Amabassador in East Germany evaluates politics, the economy, schooling, and the military in South Korea

March 7, 1972

Preliminary Meeting between Delegates of North and South Korea focusing on Official Visits

This meeting lays out the specific procedure of how official visits are to be carried out between North Korea and South Korea.

March 10, 1972

Preliminary Meeting Between Delegates of North and South Korea During Which the Details of Official Visits Laid Out by the South are Accepted

This exchange is the North's response to their previous meeting during which the South laid out the specific details it had in mind for official visits. The North accepts thyese details and awaits the next meeting where the South will give a specific time for its official visit to the North.

March 14, 1972

Preliminary Discussion between North and South Korea at the Freedom House in Panmunjeom on Official Visits

During this meeting the details of official visits are discussed with the South stating that Jang Gi-yeong (ex-Vice Premier and current President of Hankook Ilbo) and his assistant Jeoung Tae- Yyeon (Hankook Ilbo correspondent to Japan) would visit the North at 12:00, April 25th. Further, the delegate from North Korea suggests that their should be a meeting between such high-ranking officials as Lee Hu-rak (Director of the KCIA) and Kim Yeong-ju (the Director of Organization and Guidance) with the North in agreement to this proposal

March 16, 1972

Preliminary Meeting between Delegates of North and South Korea Discussing Official Visits and Laying the Groundwork for a Meeting between High-Ranking Officials

The North presses for Jang Gi-yeong to visit earlier, while announcing that Kim Yeong-ju agrees with the suggestion to meet with Lee Hu-rak.

March 17, 1972

Preliminary Meeting between Kim Deok-hyun and Jeong Hong-jin

South Korea suggests that the delgates of North and South Korea, respectively Kim Deok-hyun and Jeong Hong-jin, visit each respective capitol in order to make arrangements for a high-level meeting between Lee Hu-rak and Kim Yeong-ju

March 28, 1972

Conversation with Kim Yeong-ju (1)

Jeong Hong-jin meets with Kim Yeong-ju and delivers a message to him from Lee Hu-rak, who expresses that he must meet with Kim as soon as possible in order to bring about peaceful unification and the exchange of material and human resources that will facilitate this. In response, Kim Yeong-ju delivers his own message focusing specifically on mutual distrust, political differences, and the need to pool economic resources.

March 31, 1972

Conversation with Kim Yeong-ju (2)

Kim Yeong-ju delivers a final message to Lee Hu-rak in which he requests him to visit on April 12th, prior to a public proposal he is to make. Also, he discusses a like visit of Kim Deok-hyeon to the South, though he leaves the date of his visit to be discussed later
