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September 3, 1949

Telegram, Tunkin to Vyshinsky

Kim Il Sung, having recieved intelligence suggesting South Korea intended to seize the Ongjin Peninsula, requests Soviet permission to move further into South Korea.

September 24, 1949

Politburo Decision to Confirm the Following Directive to the Soviet Ambassador in Korea

The Soviet Politburo argues that North Korea is not ready to launch a successful overthrow of the South Korean regime and suggests North Korea should concentrate its efforts on developing partisan groups in South Korea.

January 19, 1950

Telegram Shtykov to Vyshinsky on a Luncheon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK

Shtykov reports a meeting with Kim Il Sung, along with Chinese and Korean delegates. Kim Il Sung expresses his view on the prospect of a liberation of the South Korean people that is to follow the Chinese success in liberation. Kim expresses his view that the South Koreans support his cause for reunification which the South Korean government does not seem to purse, and that he desires to ask Stalin for permission on an offensive action on South Korea.

June 11, 1956

Summarizing Protocol of the Politburo Meeting with the Korean Comrades on 8 June 1956 at 1730 hours

Discussion on North and South Korean politics and economy, with detailed account on North Korean economic development.

August 16, 1972

Information Regarding: New Developments Concerning the Unification of Korea and Relations between the DPRK and South Korea

The Bulgarian Embassy in Pyongyang presents an overview of inter-Korean relations, concluding that progress toward reunification is unlikely given the sharp divergences between North and South Korea.

September 15, 1972

Note on Information Provided by Head of 1st Department of DPRK Foreign Ministry, Comrade Kim Jae-suk, about 1st Main Negotiation of Red Cross Committees from DPRK and South Korea on 12 September 1972

The East Germany Embassy in Pyongyang reviews North Korea's stance on the Red Cross negotiations following the first session.

October 12, 1972

On Information Provided by Head of 1st Department of DPRK Foreign Ministry about the Second Main Negotiation of Red Cross Committees From DPRK and South Korea

Kim Jae-suk discusses the objectives of the DPRK in the second round of Red Cross negotiations with South Korea.

October 24, 1972

Note On a Conversation with the 1st Secretary of the USSR Embassy, Comrade Kurbatov, on 18 October 1972 in the GDR Embassy

Merten summarizes a conversation with the first Secretary of the USSR Embassy, regarding the DPRK's reaction to the West German visit to China, and North-South relations with an emphasis on Park Chung Hee's motivations to bolster his position in negotiating with the North.

May 3, 1962

Information on the Reunification Policy of the Korean Workers' Party

A memorandum prepared by the First Extra-European Department of the East German Foreign Ministry on revisions within North Korea's reunification policies.

August 3, 1973

Letter to Erich Honecker from Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung explains US actions in South Korea and North Korean ideas to achieve a peaceful reunification of Korea ("five-point-plan").
