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December 13, 1977

Report on the Official Friendship Visit to the DPRK by the Party and State Delegation of the GDR, led by Comrade Erich Honecker

Report on the official visit to the DPRK of a GDR delegation led by Erich Honecker. Included are the summary of the visit and the text of the Agreement on Developing Economic and Scientific/Technical Cooperation.

February 27, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'New Developments in the South Korean People’s Struggle'

The Chinese Embassy in North Korea describes the South Korean movements for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

June 18, 1975

Letter From GDR Ambassador Wenning to Bulgarian Member of the Politburo and Secretary of SED Central Committee Comrade Hermann Axen

This letter encloses a translated copy of an "Information for the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party about the Talks between Comrades Todor Zhivkov and Kim Il Sung during the Visit of the DPRK Party and Government Delegation to Bulgaria from 2 to 5 June 1975." In it is discussed both Kim Il Sung's remarks on Korean unification both officially and privately with Comrade Todor Zhivkov. Essentially in both cases Kim makes the argument that the path of military reunification is largely closed off due to the superior military presence of both South Korean and American forces, and instead discusses the details of achieving peaceful reunification by swelling up internal divisions within South Korea, forcing the withdrawal of American forces, and isolating the Park Chung Hee regime internationally.

July 4, 1972

Note on Information provided by DPRK Deputy Foreign Minister, Comrade Kim Yong-taek, on 3 July 1972 for the Ambassadors and Acting Ambassadors of Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Mongolia, Romania, Hungary, and the GDR

DPRK Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs reads a written statement on the results of the inter-Korean Red Cross talks in Panmunjeom. He describes the contents of a joint communique to be released simultaneously by the governments of North Korea and South Korea. This joint declaration list principles of reunification and further cooperation between the North and South.

March 31, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'Estimates Regarding the Development of South Korea’s Current Situation'

A Chinese analysis of the protest movements in South Korea.

May 16, 1961

Cable from Qiao Xiaoguang, 'The South Korean Military Coup Situation'

North Korean and Chinese analyses of Park Chung Hee's coup in South Korea.

August 4, 1967

Information about the Central Committee Plenum of the Korean Workers Party between 28 June and 3 July 1967

Report about the plenum of the North Korean Labor Party on 3 July 1967 concerning North Korean economic and defense affairs, and the 1967 Gapsan Faction purge. North Korean reunification efforts are also discussed.

August 18, 1967

Information about Some New Aspects on Korean Workers' Party Positions concerning Issues of Domestic and Foreign Policy

The Acting East German Ambassador to North Korea discusses Kim Il Sung's leadership and cult of personality, Korean reunification, and North Korea's foreign relations with China and Japan.

March 21, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Shtykov to Vyshinsky

Shtykov reports on his meeting with Kim Il Sung where Kim Il Sung requests a meeting with Stalin in Moscow.

December 10, 1971

Meeting between North and South Korean Delegates at the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission

In meeting between North Korean delegate Kim Deok-hyeon and South Korean delegate Jeong Hong-jin, the South explains that it wants to see progress within the Red Cross negotiations, while the North presses for a meeting between high level officials.
