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January 29, 1968

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, TOP SECRET, No. 76.027, Urgent

The Embassy of Romania in the DPRK summarizes a recent meeting held with M. Golub, the Ambassador of Czechoslovakia to Pyongyang, and discusses U.S.-North Korean negotiations and the Soviet response to the USS Pueblo crisis.

January 29, 1968

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, TOP SECRET, No. 76.026, Flash

The Embassy of Romania in the DPRK summarizes a meeting held with D. Tsvetkov, First Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Pyongyang. Tsvetkov discussed Soviet mediation efforts between the United States and North Korea, as well as the Soviet Union's overall response to the USS Pueblo crisis.

December 20, 1980

Memorandum from the KGB Regarding the Planning of a Demonstration in Memory of John Lennon

KGB memo on plans to stop unauthorized gatherings mourning the death of John Lennon.

March 26, 1954

Molotov's Proposal that the USSR Join NATO, March 1954

In this memorandum to the Soviet Presidium, Foreign Minister Molotov proposes that the Soviet Union publicly state its willingness to consider joining NATO. He explains that the proposal is intended to disrupt the formation of the European Defense Community and the rearmament of West Germany, and also limit the United State's influence in Europe.

March 9, 1972

State Department cable 40378 to US Embassy Ottawa, 'Indian Nuclear Intentions'

During a discussion with the Canadian embassy counselor, U.S. country desk director David Schneider opined that Indian was unlikely to test a device in the “near future” but he wanted Ottawa’s prognosis. Schneider was also interested in whether the Soviets, with their close relationship with India, might be able to use their influence to “deter” a test. If India tested, the U.S. could respond with a “strong statement,” but whether “punitive” measures would be taken would depend on whether the test “violated existing agreements.” In October 1970, the State Department had cautioned the Indians that a “peaceful nuclear explosion” was indistinguishable from a weapons test and that the test of a nuclear device would be incompatible with U.S.-Indian nuclear assistance agreements.


Vassiliev Notebooks Concordance

A concordance to the Vassiliev Notebooks complied by John Earl Haynes listing cover names, real names, abbreviations, acronyms, organizational titles, and definitions of tradecraft terminology.


Return Address: Moscow, Issue 2

Bulletin by the Group for Establishing Trust Between the USSR and the USA, an independent peace organization in the Soviet Union. Three issues were editor Sergei Batovrin and published from New York City. They contain news on the peace movement in the Soviet Union and the harassment and imprisonment of activists by the government.


Return Address: Moscow, Issue 3

Bulletin by the Group for Establishing Trust Between the USSR and the USA, an independent peace organization in the Soviet Union. Three issues were editor Sergei Batovrin and published from New York City. They contain news on the peace movement in the Soviet Union and the harassment and imprisonment of activists by the government.

April 2004

KGB Active Measures in Southwest Asia in 1980-82

Materials provided by former KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin to CWIHP, following the publication of the Working Paper No. 40, "The KGB in Afghanistan." As with all Mitrokhin’s notes, his compilation on Soviet “active measures” in South and Southwest Asia is based on other smuggled-out notes and was prepared especially for CWIHP. Please read the Notes on Sources for information on the nature and limitations of these documents.

February 18, 1977

CPSU CC Protocol #46/10, Instructions to the Soviet Ambassador in Washington for his Conversation with Vance on the Question of 'Human Rights'

Response to the US State Department's protest of the arrest of Aleksandr Ginzburg, a prominent Soviet dissident, for alleged currency violations.
