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February 9, 1979

Mongolian Record of Conversation with Soviet Officials in Moscow, February 1979

Discusses the cancellation of the alliance treaty between China and the Soviet Union, and the impact this will have on the Mongolian People’s Republic. They are urged not to hurry the cancellation of the treaty, however, because China has not yet explicitly asked for it. They also note that there are anti-Soviet propaganda items being spread in Korea, and the growing role the U.S. is playing in Chinese affairs.

April 12, 1979

Mongolian Memorandum of Conversation with O.B. Rakhmanin

Rakhmanin reports on the status of the Sino-Soviet treaty, which he says hinges on the Sino-Vietnamese situation, which he tries to explain in terms of territory and aid to the Vietnamese.


CC CPSU Information on Chinese Foreign Policy Issues

Discusses the joint efforts by Chinese and American leaders to promote a better relationship between these two countries, at the expense of the Soviet Union and of communism. The U.S. seems to be trying to capitalize on a growing “internal stability” in China, and the U.S. is even now selling equipment to China. The Soviet Union does not believe that this alliance will prove powerful enough to significantly impair other Socialist countries, but their alliance should also not be ignored.

February 1980

Polish Record of Soviet alliance Meeting in Moscow, February 1980

Discusses the growing aggression seen in China and the effects of its closer relationship with the United States.

November 10, 1980

Hungarian Report on 'Economic Interkit' Meeting in Bulgaria, October 1980

Reports on a meeting that took place in Bulgaria regarding cooperative measures to be taken in regards to the People’s Republic of China. It notes that China has reduced the number of items it seeks to import, and is hinting that it will continue to do so in the future, as well. The Soviets, however, would like to keep trade and even technological and scientific informational trade at the same level that it is at now.

December 18, 1980

Secret Telegram No. 3638/IV - From Moscow to Warsaw

Notes that the Chinese are pretending to sympathize with the Soviets, but are really trying to take advantage of the situation in Poland.

November 16, 1981

Sino-Soviet Trade, 1981

Mongolian embassy official and Deputy Head of the USSR MFA meet to discuss Sino-Soviet relations. The latter notes that the Chinese have not had a change in their attitude or policy, so no positive changes can be expected. Issues related to trade, both physical, technical and scientific, are discussed.

June 8, 1982

The State of Foreign Policy

Discusses issues related to upholding Sino-Soviet relations, to maintaining an active foreign policy with socialist and capitalist countries, and touching on issues related to various socialist countries at the time.

December 15, 1972

Secret Telegram from Moscow to Warsaw, No. 13698

This gives a short overview of Chinese foreign policy in light of Communist and Soviet attitudes and perceptions in China. A possible Soviet response to such attitudes is suggested.

February 27, 1973

Note on the Meeting with CPSU Politburo Candidate and CC Secretary, Comrade B. N. Ponomarev

A Russian view of Chinese Anti-Soviet attitudes and potential problems as a result of such views developing there.
