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January 18, 1967

Polish-Soviet Talks in Lansk: January 18, 1967

Gomulka, Podgorny and Brezhnev discuss an upcoming conference of communist parties. Central to the discussion is the attitude of the Chinese.

December 1958

Regulations for the switch-board and high-frequency telephone lines between the USSR and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

This convention was drawn up by both parties based on article 12 of the Convention between the governments of the USSR and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. It concerns government-owned, high-frequency telephone lines connecting Moscow and Prague. Technical specifications are laid out, as are ways to ensure the confidentiality of information relayed along these telephone lines.

April 26, 1963

Agreement between the Soviet and Czechoslovak state security bodies on the terms of delivery for specialized technology and the related bookkeeping procedure

This document details how to improve ties between the state security forces of the Soviet Union and Czechoslovak Republic. It refers to the terms of direct delivery of specialized technology associated with a military delivery plan. There is also discussion on bookkeeping methods so both nations can register the delivery. The protocol is designed to improve coordination of reciprocal deliveries of specialized technology.

February 11, 1974

Protocol on exchange of employees and information in the scientific, technical and security fields for the year 1974

This protocol arranges for short visits between Czechoslovak and Soviet Interior Ministry experts, functionaries and scientists to visit the other's country in order obtain information on topics including physical and chemical research methods, infrared, spectrophotometry and chromatography technology and the use of science and technology in the military. Both parties agree to mutual consultations on questions relating to public security, the military and the shared border of the CSSR and USSR. Publications on security and criminology are listed by title and the number of copies to be exchanged is enumerated.

February 10, 1972

Agreement about Cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Committee for State Security under the USSR Council of Ministers

The Czechoslovak Ministry of the Interior and Soviet KGB agree to coordinate security efforts and bilaterally exchange information obtained by the security organs of both states along the lines of politics, military business, agriculture, technology and science. The two parties agree to share intelligence and counter-intelligence collected in the aforementioned areas.

September 24, 1976

Secret Telegram No. 3239/III - From Moscow to Warsaw

A telegram claiming that one of the most significant problems in China following Mao's death is the personnel problem, that there is "no single exceptional personality" on the Chinese scene.

April 19, 1986

International Olympic Committee President interview with Chun Doo-hwan on North Korean Threats to the 1988 Seoul Olympics

IOC President Samaranch speaks to South Korean President Chun Doo-Hwan. Samarach tries to persuade Chun to concede some of the sports organizing at the upcoming Summer 1988 Olympics to North Korea, as their demands have "decreased drastically." Chun fears that concessions now will lead to greater concessions in the future. Chun urges Samaranch to take control of the situation, as the IOC is well-respected. In order for the IOC to negotiate with North Korea, North Korea must declare that it will honor the Olympic Charter.

November 12, 1983

Memorandum on INF and START negotiations

This memo to Prime Minister Bettino Craxi argues against the merging of the INF and START negotiations proposed by the Finnish government and backed by Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau. The memo suggests that the proposal could jeopardize the Geneva talks and harm European interests.

January 1969

East German Report on the Second Interkit Meeting in Berlin, January 1969

Report from the East German representatives on an Interkit meeting held 28-31 January, 1969. The group made recommendations for coordinating anti-Maoist propaganda to counter China's increasing anti-Sovietism.

October 1983

Memorandum comparing the Soviet Intermediate Nuclear Forces and the Anglo – French forces capable of reaching the Soviet Union.

A comparison between the Soviet Intermediate Nuclear Forces and the Anglo – French system capable of reaching the Soviet Union. The memo uses data to demonstrate that the Soviet INF outnumbered by far NATO nuclear forces.
