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September 19, 1989

Implementing Agreement between United States Department of Defense and Italian Ministry of Defense, 'Italy - US
(about Patriot)'

Implementing agreement for the Patriot system between Italy and USA. Attached also correspondence between Secretary of Defense Cheney and Minister of Defense Martinazzoli.

December 12, 1989

Report, 'Purchase from Italy of the Surface-to-air Missile System PATRIOT of Raytheon Co. - US'

This document discusses the political and strategic reasoning behind Italy's decision to acquire the Patriot air defense system from the US.

May 24, 1985

Report by Ambassador Petrignani to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Andreotti

A detailed account of a meeting between Ambassador Petrignani and General Abrahamson, Director of SDI. Petrignani discloses the different elements of the SDI discussed, including the importance of SDI in modern deterrence, Soviet progress in strategic derfense, existing challenges with the SDI, and potential European participation.

February 26, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'NATO Secretary General's visit in Rome
(26th-28th February 1986).
Security and disarmament'

This document summarizes Ambassador Nitze's speech on the issue of security and disarmament, and provides a rather detailed description of current U.S. position vis-à-vis the USSR in the field of disarmament and global security.

February 11, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'NATO Secretary General's visit in Rome (11th February 1985). US and Soviet space programs'

This note by the Italian Foreign Ministry provides an overview of issues to be discussed with Secretary General Lord Carrington during his visit to Rome. Of particular interest are the upcoming Geneva negotiations between the USSR and the US regarding SDI .

February 11, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'American space programs'

This memo by the Italian Foreign Ministry describes the current state of U.S. space programs, and in particular, the SDI that is causing tension in US-USSR relations.

May 28, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Reagan's letter to the Prime Minister about issues related to SALT II (dated 26th May 1986)'

Analysis by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Reagan's (May 26, 1986) letter to PM Craxi. It discusses intended American responses to Soviet violation of SALT II treaty, and calls for consultations with NATO member states.

May 26, 1986

Letter from President Reagan to Prime Minister Bettino Craxi

Unofficial translation of correspondence between PM Craxi and President Reagan regarding strategic arms limitations and deterrence. Reagan outlines the planned US measures given lack of effort and willingness by the USSR to arrive to a binding agreement.

May 27, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This brief note points to a disagreement between the United States and Italy in regards to use of military bases that needs to be further discussed.

August 5, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Consequences of US-Libya conflict'

A comprehensive analysis of the possible consequences of U.S. airstrikes in Libya in the short- , medium-, and long-term. Key themes include the impact on inter-allied relations, reaction from Arab countries, terrorism, and superpower relations.
