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June 18, 1968

Note on a Conversation with the Director of the 1st Department of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK, Comrade Ri In-gyu, on 15 June 1968, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Ri In-gyu criticizes United States policy towards the two Koreas and the actions of the U.S. government in Asia.

February 1968

Information about the Situation in Korea as the USSR Ambassador in Prague c. S.V. Cervonenko relayed it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs c. V. David.

The Czechoslovak Deputy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs outlines Soviet policy towards the USS Pueblo Incident.

February 2, 1968

Record of a Conversation with Canadian Ambassador to the USSR R. Ford

S.P. Kozyrev and the Canadian Ambassador review Soviet policy toward the resolution of the Pueblo Incident and the connections between developments in Vietnam and the military situation on the Korean Peninsula.

January 29, 1968

Record of a Conversation with J. Rowland, Australian Ambassador to the USSR

S.P. Kozyrev and J. Rowland debate the reasons behind the tense situation on the Korean Peninsula. Though Rowland is emphatic that the Soviet Union ought to pressure the DPRK to cease provocations, Kozyrev insists that the "DPRK is an independent country."

December 20, 1974

Record of Discussion between Foreign Ministers of North Korea and the Mongolian People’s Republic

In his discussion with the Foreign Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic, the Foreign Minister of North Korea discusses North Korea's efforts to spread socialism in North Korea and resist American imperialism in South Korea to bring about the unification of the Korean peninsula.

December 21, 1974

The Record of Conversation between Foreign Minister of Mongolian People's Republic and President Kim Il Sung of North Korea at 21 Dec., 1974

During the Foreign Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic's visit to Pyongyang, Kim Il Sung thanks Mongolia for its support of Korea's unification and welcomes discussion on each country's economic situation. Kim Il Sung also laments North Korea's military burden, expressing distaste for American imperialism.

July 15, 1971

Memorandum of Conversation between The First Secretary of the Mongolian People’s Republic and the Head of Delegation of Korean Worker’s Party on the 50th Anniversary of the Mongolian People’s Revolution

Officials of the Mongolian People's Republic and the Korean Worker's Party discuss their mutual support for the peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula, obstacles presented by the U.S. and Japan, and perspectives on the Sino-Soviet split.

January 29, 1968

Record of Conversation between Mongolian Deputy Foreign Minister Chimiddorj and the Counselor of the Soviet Embassy Basmanov on the USS Pueblo Crisis

Mongolian Deputy Foreign Minister D. Chimiddorj meets with Counselor of the Soviet Embassy, M.I. Basmanov to discuss North Korea's conflict with the US over the capture of the USS Pueblo. Basmanov describes the Soviet Embassy's involvement acting as a go-between for the United States and North Korea.

February 2, 1977

Telegram 065141 from the the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Korean Question

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on developments in Sino-American relations and how they affect the DPRK's diplomatic orientation regarding Korean reunification. Overall, improved Sino-American relations are perceived to stabilize the situation in Asia, although the Korean question is still a complex one.


US National Security Council Cable, Korea Trilateral -- Response to Foreign Ministry Dialogue

The National Security Council outlines it views of tripartite talks involving North Korea, South Korea, and the United States.
