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May 16, 1989

Notepad of Teimuraz Stepanov-Mamaladze, 16 May 1989

Teimuraz Stepanov-Mamaladze notes on discussions between Gorbachev and Li Peng, covering a wide range of foreign policy issues for the two countries. Li Peng discusses China's relations with the US, Japan, India, and the DPRK. Both sides discuss the demilitarization of the Sino-Soviet border. Concludes with a note on the hunger strike in Tiananmen Square.

February 3, 1949

Cable, Filippov [Stalin] to Anastas Mikoyan

Cable from Stalin to Mikoyan, sent with the intent to be passed on to Mao Zedong. Stalin expresses pleasure with the Chinese control of China's peasantry and students, but expresses disappointment that the CCP does not control the majority of the working class. Stalin advises that China turn its big cities into bases for communism, and then gives more specific advice for gaining a majority among the working class. Stalin then responds to Mao's request for weapons, explaining that the USSR doesn't have anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons of foreign make, but can send Russian-made weapons.

November 18, 1957

Mao Zedong, 'Speech at a Meeting of the Representatives of Sixty-four Communist and Workers' Parties' (Edited by Mao)

During a speech at the Moscow Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties of 1957 , Mao Zedong proclaims that "the east wind prevailing over the west wind." This version of the speech was edited by Mao for publication.

October 11, 1956

I. Tugarinov to Cde. B.N. Ponomarev, ‘Concentering the Situation on Taiwan (Memorandum)’

August 19, 1952

From the Journal of A. Ya. Vyshinsky, 'Record of a Conversation with Zhou Enlai, Premier of the PRC State Administrative Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs, 18 August 1952'

Vyshinsky and Zhou briefly discuss recent changes in China and the positive state of Sino-Soviet relations.

May 8, 1962

From the Diary of S. V. Chervonenko, Transcripts of a Conversation with the General Secretary of the CC CCP Deng Xiaoping, 9 April 1962

Ambassador Chervonenko and Deng Xiaoping discuss a proposed conference of world communist leaders.

October 23, 1978

Record of Meeting between Prime Minister Fukuda and Vice Premier Deng (First Meeting)

Deng Xiaoping and Fukuda Takeo discuss Sino-Japanese relations, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and Soviet-American negotiations over nuclear weapons.

September 1991

Report by S. Goncharov for the Russian Leadership on the Question of the Current Situation in Relations between Russia and China (Excerpt)

S. Goncharov describes the lessons the Soviet Union drew from China's suppression of the student protests in Beijing in spring 1989.

March 25, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minster Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion – Relations with the Soviet Union)'

Foreign Ministers Wu Xueqian and Abe Shintaro exchange views on the Soviet Union and its policies toward China and Japan.

May 12, 1961

Notes on Soviet Political Work with China

Covers a meeting that took place on May 12, 1961 involving the military attaches of various socialist countries, where Mao spoke about the China's political and ideological direction, perseverance through work and scarcity, and flexible military strategies, and lays out plan for fulfilling these goals
