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April 12, 1980

Address by Vice President Mondale to the United States Olympic Committee, 'US Call for an Olympic Boycott'

Vice President Mondale addresses the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), advocating for President Carter's proposed boycott of the Moscow Olympic Games in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Later that day, the USOC voted to uphold the boycott.

November 1, 1980

CC CPSU Granting Technical Assistance to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in the Construction of a 1000 kWt Medium-Wave Radio Broadcasting Station [Final version]

A CC CPSU decree granting technical assistence to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in order to build a radio wave boradcasting station.

November 13, 1986

Memorandum from KGB Chief Viktor M. Chebrikov, Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze, Defense Minister Marshal Sergei L. Sokolov, and Central Committee International Relations Secretary Anatoly Dobrynin to CPSU Politburo

This document highlights the efforts of the PDPA leadership to increase its membership among Afghan mullahs, landowners, and the aristocracy in order to legitimize the party among the Afghan people. It also reveals possible UN involvement in affairs surrounding Afghanistan after a possible Soviet withdrawal.

October 29, 1980

Soviet briefing on the talks between Brezhnev and B. Karmal in Moscow

This document reveals Babrak Karmal's positive views of Soviet involvement in Afghanistan. Karmal thanks Soviet leadership for substantial economic and political support, discussing the integration of Soviet economic reforms into the Afghan economy. Karmal states that the turmoil within Afghan political parties is almost solved, and is progressing towards unity.

June 26, 1974

Decree of the CPSU CC - Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations 'Parcham' and 'Khalq' Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR

This document provides information for the leaders of the progressive Afghan political parties; and results of the CC elections.

June 29, 1979

Excerpt from Minutes Nº 156 of the CC CPSU Politburo meeting

This document discusses the situations in Kabul with the CC CPSU and the CC PDPA.

January 23, 1980

CPSU CC Memo with excerpt from Protocol #180/64, 23 January 1980

Concerns orders to Soviet troops.

January 25, 1980

CPSU CC Memo with excerpt from Protocol #181/2 and attachments, 25 January 1980

Concerns Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

October 9, 1986

Decree of the Secretary of the CC CPSU, 09 October 1986

Concerns the KGB in Kabul and the help of the Iraqi Communist Party.

July 22, 1989

CPSU CC Memo with Excerpt from Protocol #163/44, 22 July 1989

The protocol deals with the further arming of Afghanistan and the training of Afghan servicemen in the USSR.
