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January 11, 1957

Notes from the Completed Discussions of 11 and 12 January 1957 between the Delegates of the Chinese People’s Republic and Poland (Excerpts)

Gomulka describes the 1956 Polish protests and his confrontation with Soviet authorities.

November 12, 1963

Memorandum of Conversation, Chinese Officials and the Hungarian Ambassador to China

Martin, the Hungarian ambassador to China, is involved with several conversations with Chinese officials before returning to Hungary, and the three highlighted conversations are with Zhu De, Chen Yi, and Zhou Enlai. Among other international issues, Zhu De discusses imperial attempts to restore capitalism in socialist countries and references “revisionism” in Hungary, to which Martin responds defensively. Chen Yi discusses Chinese industrial and economic development. Zhou Enlai discusses recent Chinese struggles, and interprets Martin’s reaction as distrust.

May 12, 1966

Conversations Between Emil Bodnăraş, Romanian Party and Government Delegation Leader, and Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China inBeijing (excerpts)

Bodnaras and Enlai discuss both Romania and China's strained relations with the Soviet Union.

May 16, 1969

Note Number 399 from Pierre Cerles to Michel Debré, 'China and Eastern Europe'

Pierre Cerles provides an assessment of Chinese foreign policy toward Eastern Europe during the 1960s within the context of the Sino-Soviet split, the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, the Cultural Revolution, and China's own internal leadership divisions.

September 3, 1968

Note Number 291 from the Department of Asia-Oceania, 'China and the Events in Czechoslovakia'

The Department of Asia-Oceania analyzes shifts in Chinese foreign policy toward Eastern Europe following the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and connects the apparent changes in Beijing's diplomacy to the Sino-Soviet split and the Vietnam War.

May 13, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Roshchin to Cde. Filippov [Stalin]

The telegram relays a request from Mao, conveyed via Chinese Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai, seeking Stalin’s “personal clarifications” of his stand on a potential North Korean action to reunify the country. Mao sought the information after hearing a report from Kim, who had arrived that day in the Chinese capital for a secret two-day visit and clearly claimed that he had received Stalin’s blessing.

March 20, 1964

Record of Conversation between Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and Pak Seong-cheol

Chinese and North Korean statesmen discuss border issues, conversations with representatives of the Romanian Communist Party, and the unreasonable Soviet attitude regarding the Sino-Soviet debates.

April 15, 1954

The Question of a Conference of the Five Great Powers with the Participation of the PRC

At a conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, US, Britain and France, the USSR proposes a conference including the PRC, but the others oppose China's participation.

September 4, 1952

Record of a Conversation between Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Pak Heon-yeong, Zhou Enlai, and Peng Dehuai

Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean officials discuss the military situation in Korea and the status of armistice talks.

March 29, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai Receives Soviet Ambassador to China Stepan Chervonenko

Chervonenko informed Zhou Enlai of the Indian invitation and the Soviet Union's decision to send its delegation to the Indian Communist Party's Sixth Congress
