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October 31, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Gorbachev et al prepare for their upcoming UN visit, and discuss presenting their reformed policies, arms reductions, the implementation of perestroika, withdrawal of troops from Hungary, and overall Soviet-American relations.

June 20, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Anatoly Chernyaev’s notes from the Politburo session on June 20, 1988, during which military spending, party membership, the progress of perestroika, and CPSU organizational leadership were discussed.

March 24, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Notes from a meeting of the Politburo regarding Nina Andreeva, a Soviet scientist and political activist who accused Gorbachev of not being true communists and abandoning the Soviet system in her essay " I Cannot Forsake My Principles."

January 27, 1989

E. Shevardnadze, D. Yazov, and V. Kamentsev to Comrade M.S. Gorbachev

Minister of Foreign Affairs E. Shevardnadze, Minister of Defense D. Yazov, and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers V. Kamentsev discuss Soviet military committments in the Warsaw Pact and various bilateral agreements on friendship, cooperation, and mutual assistance in a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev.


Excerpts from Recollections by the Former Soviet Ambassador in North Korea Aleksandr Kapto

Aleksandr Kapto reflects on the Soviet Union's normalization of relations with South Korea, and the consequential fallout in relations between North Korea and the USSR. According to Kapto, North Korea threatened to develop nuclear weapons and withdraw from the NPT as a result of Soviet-South Korean rapprochement.

May 17, 1989

Diary of Teimuraz Stepanov-Mamaladze, 17 May 1989

Teimuraz Stepanov-Mamaladze diary entry, describing negotiations between China and a USSR delegation. The negotiations cover border issues, Soviet assistance in improving relations between India and Nepal, and Afghanistan, among other issues. Following the negotiations, Mamaladze describes protesters, "two hundred thousand strong," and notes that the movement has grown beyond just students.

February 11, 1989

Information of I.A. Rogachev about the Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in the PRC

March 11, 1985

Minutes of a CC CPSU Politburo Session Nominating Gorbachev for General Secretary

CC CPSU Politburo Session nominating Gorbachev for General Secretary after the death of Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko. Many members of the politburo spoke in favor of Gorbachev for General Secretary. They make a unanimous recommendation to the Plenum of CC CPSU.

February 1989

Igor Rogachev’s Account of Eduard Shevardnadze’s Visit to Beijing

November 18, 1989

Excerpt from Protocol No. 182 of the Meeting of the Politburo CC CPSU, 'On Additional Measures in the Informational Sphere'

Proposal recommending increased openness, freedom of speech, and the end of restrictions on the press in the Soviet Union, including the free distribution of foreign media.
