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October 11, 1950

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Burma, 'National Day Celebration Task Summary'

The Chinese Embassy in Report reports on its efforts to commemorate the one year anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

June 28, 1956

Deng Xiaoping Submits a Written Report to the Central Committee on the China-Burma Border Issue

Deng Xiaoping lays out China's plans for resolving the border dispute with Burma.

September 30, 1965

Minutes of Chairman Mao Zedong and Chairman Liu Shaoqi’s Meeting with the Indonesian Delegation

Chairul Seleh of Indonesia met with Mao and discussed nuclear power, Indonesian economy and industry, Chinese-Indonesian relations, and imperialism.

March 31, 1964

Record of Conversation from Chairman Mao’s Reception of the Military Delegation from the Kingdom of Cambodia

Mao and Lon Nol discuss Chinese-Cambodian ties, Cambodia's relations with Vietnam and Thailand, and US policy in Southeast Asia.

February 15, 1963

Memorandum of Chairman Mao Zedong’s Conversation with Prince Sihanouk

Mao Zedong and Norodom Sihanouk exchange views on capitalist and imperialist countries, particularly on India, the US, Thailand, Yemen, and Iraq.

January 5, 1963

Record of Conversation from Chairman Mao's Reception of Indonesian Deputy Chief Minister Suban Delhi

Conversation regarding Sukarno's recent illness, Asian-African unity against imperialism, and the situation in West Irian, among other issues.

September 29, 1962

Record of Conversation from Chairman Mao and Comrade Jiang Qing’s Reception of Mme. Hartini Sukarno

Mao Zedong and Mme. Hartini Sukarno discuss developments in Indonesia, including the role of Chinese military assistance in putting down rebellions, as well as relations among the Afro-Asian nations.

January 6, 1965

Note No. 2/65 on Conversations with Comrade Shcherbakov about the Developmental Tendencies in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, on 22 and 28 December 1964

Conversation between the East German and Soviet ambassadors to Vietnam, on the Sino-Vietnamese relationship. Shcherbakov expresses his belief that China is increasingly using Vietnam as a pawn, and that, as a result, the Chinese are pushing the Vietnamese towards talks of negotiations with the United States.

May 22, 1963

Aide-Memoire on Violence Towards Chinese Nationals in Indonesia

An aide-memoire requesting that the United Nations take measures to prevent the further persecution of the Overseas Chinese in Indonesia following the March 1963 anti-Chinese riots in that country.

September 21, 1956

Report, UN Department of Political and Security Council Affairs, 'Note on the China-Burma Border Question'

The Department of Political and Security Council Affairs provides an overview of the history and current status of the disputed China-Burma border.
