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October 11, 1965

Record of Conversation between Vice-Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua and North Korean Ambassador in China Pak Se-chang

Qiao Guanhua and Pak Se-chang exchange opinions on the holding of a second Afro-Asian conference.

October 12, 1965

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'On the Transportation of North Korea's Material Aid for Vietnam'

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs follows up on the work of China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to ship material aid from Korea to Vietnam.

October 22, 1965

Letter from Premier Zhou Enlai to North Korean Premier Kim Il Sung

Zhou Enlai writes to update Kim Il Sung on the status of the proposed Second Asian-African Conference.

October 23, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the Embassy in North Korea, 'On the Issue of Transporting Korean Aid to Vietnam'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides instructions to the Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang on the shipment of North Korean aid to Vietnam.

July 2, 1959

Report, State Committee on the USSR Council of Ministers on International Economic Ties, 'On the Present Economic Situation in the People’s Republic of China'

Soviet report on the PRC's economic situation. Notes that the expectations for Chinese economic growth were set too high, and records Chinese food rations.

March 31, 1959

Report by Yuri Andropov, 'On the Situation in Tibet'

Report on Tibet, detailing the history of PRC-Tibetan relations since 1949 and the social and economic work of the PRC in Tibet. Discusses the activity of the Dalai and Panchen Lamas, and the political unrest in the region. Notes the relations of China, Tibet, and India.


Marginal Note by Mao Zedong on Indian Report on Tibetans in India

Marginal note written by Mao Zedong, implying that Indian authorities are feigning ignorance of illegal activities perpetrated by Tibetans in India.

February 18, 1959

Marginal Note by Mao Zedong on a 'Situation Report'

Short marginal note written by Mao Zedong, noting that a chaotic Tibet will be useful for the training of troops and for justifying future pacification.

July 26, 1958

Report to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, 'On the Economic and Political Situation in the PRC' (excerpts)

S. Antonov's report on the economic and political state of the PRC. Antonov writes that China should be able to equal England's steel production within the second Five-Year Plan. Also notes the heightening of Chinese-Japanese tension, as China recognizes the possibility of renewed Japanese militarism.

May 9, 1958

Memorandum of Conversation with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC Zhang Wentian

Record of conversation between S.F. Antonov and Zhang Wentian, regarding Chinese plans to influence Japanese politics. Additionally, Zhang comments on the close relationship between Poland and Yugoslavia.
