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March 16, 1979

Notes on a Meeting held in the Secretary-General's Office on Friday, 16 March 1979, at 10.30 pm

Ambassador Chen Chu and Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim discuss the situation in Indochina.

June 10, 1981

Toast by the Secretary-General to the Vice-Premier of China, Beijing, 10 June 1981

Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim thanks China for its growing involvement in international affairs.

May 15, 1981

Notes on a Meeting held in the Secretary-General's Office on Friday, 15 May 1981, at 12.10 pm

Ambassador Ling Qing and Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim discuss the situation in Cambodia as well as Waldheim's upcoming visit to China.

February 16, 1979

Memorandum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on the Chinese Authorities' Intensified Armed Activities on the Viet Nam Border and their Frantic War Preparations against Viet Nam

A Vietnamese Foreign Ministry Report outlining its allegations that China is provoking hostilities on the Sino-Vietnamese border.

February 16, 1979

Chinese Foreign Ministry's Note of Protest against Vietnamese Encroachment upon Chinese Territory and Creation of Bloodshed

The Chinese government reports that "Vietnamese armed personnel encroached upon Chinese border areas on nearly 30 occassions."

February 15, 1979

Letter, Chen Chu to Ambassador A.Y. Bishara

Chen Chu announces that "the Vietnamese authorities are pursuing a policy of aggression and expansion abroad."

February 12, 1979

Chinese Foreign Ministry's Note to the Vietnamese Embassy in China Protesting against Viet Nam's Military Provocations

The Chinese Foreign Ministry accuses Vietnam of sending troops into Yunnnan and Guangxi and attacking Chinese citizens.

February 10, 1979

Message from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam addressed to the Secretary-General

The Vietnamese Foreign Ministry reports that Chinese troops have amassed along the Sino-Vietnamese border.

January 25, 1979

Note of the Foreign Ministry of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Sent to the Chinese Embassy in Ha Noi on the Viet Nam - China Railway Service

The Vietnamese Foreign Ministry claims that China is violating Vietnamese sovereignty.

April 1, 1987

Soviet Consulate in Japan, Information on Ties between Cities of the Kansai Region and Cities in China

An overview of sister-city ties between Japanese cities in the Kansai region, which has been traditionally the center of Chinese influence in Japan, and Chinese cities and provinces.
