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March 30, 1959

Memorandum of Conversation with the Deputy Chairmen of the Committee of Cultural Ties with Foreigners, Zhang Zhixiang, and the Deputy of the Department of the Socialist Countries, Lu Ming

Sudarikov, the Soviet embassy advisor, discusses with the Chinese deputy chairman of the Committee of Cultural Ties with Foreigners and the deputy of the Department of the Socialist Countries to discuss plans for Chinese-Soviet cultural exchange in 1959. The goal of the cultural exchange is primarily to collaborate in the areas of culture and art and strengthen the friendship between the two countries. Zhang Zhixiang expresses the step-by-step Chinese point of view on how this should be achieved.

November 29, 1958

Memorandum of Conversation of the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chen Yi, at Dinner in the Soviet Embassy in Honor of the Ambassadors of the Socialist Countries in China, 8 November 1958

The Chinese Minister of Foreign affairs, Chen Yi, proclaims that the PRC and Chinese communist party are organizing the completion of the “great leap” of economic construction in China, thanks to the aid of the USSR and other socialist countries. He notes that the USA is not as strong as it seems, the relationship between the PRC and the USSR is growing stronger, and visits to China by ambassadors of the socialist countries are highly encouraged.

October 2, 1958

Memorandum of Conversation of Mao Zedong with Six Delegates of the Socialist Countries, China, 2 October 1958

To the other delegates, Mao discusses their shared goal of defeating imperialism, primarily through peaceful methods. He stresses widespread Marxist reeducation of the Chinese people and increased Chinese industrial and agricultural production as means for improvement. Mao also reminds them that socialist nations must be firmly united under the leadership of the Soviet Union to fight colonialism and imperialism, and while the communes are necessary to organize locally, the party remains the core administrative unite of communized peoples.

December 21, 1957

Memorandum of Conversation with the Chairman of the Shanghai Office of the Energy Construction Industry, Zheng Toshen, at the residence of the General Consul of the CSSR

Discussion of a Czechoslovak expert, Oldřich Havlíček, who was working in China as Coordinator of Construction at an energy plant in Shanghai. Havlíček was sent home after he had an affair with a married Chinese woman, Ms. Zhen. The Czechoslovak authorities become involved when Ms. Zhen's husband sends letters of complaint to the CSSR ambassador in Beijing, the CSSR general consul in Shanghai, and to the People’s Court in Shanghai.

November 9, 1957

Addition to Memorandum of Conversation between Czechoslovak Parliamentary Delegation and Mao Zedong, 29 September 1957

The Head of the Czechoslovak delegation and Mao Zedong agree that relations between the CSSR, PRC, and USSR are politically strong but require economic improvement, according to Khrushchev. Mao discusses the socialist revolution and its varying levels of support in China amongst the different demographics within the Chinese social structure. Mao also discusses the three basic goals which guide Chinese foreign policy.

October 2, 1957

Meeting of the Representatives of the Chinese Delegation at the Ministry of Defense Industry

Soviet Ministry of Defense Industry representative, Illarionov, explains to the Chinese delegation the radio technology industry’s role in the construction of rockets and components of the S-75 system.

September 25, 1957

Meeting of the Ministry of Defense Industry with Representatives of the Chinese Delegation

Domrachev and the Chinese representatives discuss an article which states that the USSR will render assistance in the planning and creation of two research institutes in China for rockets and guidance equipment. It is decided that Chinese resources can enable the creation of no more than two institutes. Domrachev outlines the projected costs of the planning and technical documentation of the institutes, as well as the cost of construction materials.

September 23, 1957

Report on Meetings Between Chinese and Soviet Representatives on Rocket Production

Record of four meetings with Chinese defense officials who were seeking Russian assistance in the production of guided missiles in Chinese factories. The discuss Sino-Soviet collaboration in the education and preparation of specialists, the staffing of military research institutes, the construction of defense-related factories, and the sharing of technology. Arrangements for the sale of R-2 and S-75 missiles were also discussed.

September 11, 1957

Protocol No. 1 of the Joint Meeting of the Delegations of the Soviet Ministry of Defense Industry and Representatives of the Chinese People’s Republic

Minutes from a meeting on Sino-Soviet efforts at defense planning and collaboration. Chinese defense officials looked for Russian help in the production of guided missiles, and the document illustrate their efforts to collaborate in the education and preparation of specialists, the staffing of military research institutes, the construction of defense-related factories, and the sharing of technology.

April 15, 1957

Memorandum of Conversation with East German Ambassador Fr. Everhartze

Meeting with East German Ambassador Everhartze concerning the recently concluded Chinese-Polish negotiations and the recent 1956 uprisings in Poland. The main purpose of the visit was to find out about the future visit ofZhou Enlai to Czechoslovakia, because the GDR has also invited Zhou Enlai to a state visit.
