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January 1, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in India, 'Overview of India’s Foreign Relations in 1961'

The Chinese Embassy in India reported on Indian foreign relations for the year 1961. In the report, the following issues are mentioned: Indian dependence on the United States, capitalism, opposition to China and communism, imperialism, and Indian-Pakisti relations.

May 3, 1954

Memorandum of Conversation between Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu and Indian Ambassador to China Raghavan Concerning Premier Nehru’s Statement on the Hydrogen Bomb

Zhang Hanfu and Raghavan discuss the hydrogen bomb and the Colombo Conference.

September 27, 1961

Update on Cuban Children Visiting Socialist Countries

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs updates the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party on a group of Cuban children touring socialist countries.

November 28, 1970

Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Italian Republic and the People’s Republic of China

Italy establishes diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China.

November 3, 1970

Letter from President Giuseppe Saragat to Aldo Moro

President Saragat discusses the dilemma between recognizing mainland China and respecting the sovereignty of Taiwan.

November 2, 1970

Letter from Aldo Moro to President Giuseppe Saragat

Moro discusses establishing diplomatic relations with the PRC in respect to the position of the United States.

December 5, 1969

Note on the Conversation between the Honourable Minister and the Canadian Minister for Foreign Affairs Sharp, at NATO in Brussels

Mitchell Sharp and Aldo Moro coordinate Canadian and Italian policies towards China and Taiwan.

October 1, 1969

Letter from Aldo Moro to Franco Mario Malfatti

Moro discusses the ongoing negotiations at the UN concerning the recognition of the People's Republic of China.

November 17, 1969

Aldo Moro’s Notes on Letter no. 61

Moro considers the different options in regards to establishing relations with the People's Republic of China and maintaining relations with Taiwan.

September 30, 1969

Letter no. 429 from Franco Maria Malfatti to Aldo Moro

Malfatti reports on his impression of the prospects of negotiations with the Chinese in regards to establishing diplomatic relations.
