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April 15, 1954

The Question of a Conference of the Five Great Powers with the Participation of the PRC

At a conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, US, Britain and France, the USSR proposes a conference including the PRC, but the others oppose China's participation.

October 1, 1950

Telegram from Vyshinsky

Kiselev's mistakes during the discussion of Korean issue is reported.

June 30, 1956

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, 'The Main Themes of Pakistan’s Diplomatic Activities'

The report claimed that the two main themes of Pakistani diplomatic activities are 1/Winning the support of foreign leaders for its position on the Kashmir issue and 2/Breaking away from its isolated position and resolving its financial difficulties. Pakistani diplomatic stance toward China, the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britain, France and the Arab League was examined.

June 1975

China after the 10th Party Congress and the Adoption of the Maoist Constitution

This study analyzes China's domestic and foreign policies after the 10th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. It addresses the propaganda measures of the Maoist regime and the socio-economic development in China. The report also discusses the undemocratic character of the Chinese Constitution of 1975. Regarding its foreign relations, China is said to be extending its area of influence in developing countries and developing closer relations with Western countries. Chinese-US relations are criticized, as well as China's permissiveness in allowing more Western influences to affect its domestic policies and economic strategies.

July 12, 1969

Memorandum of conversation of the Ambassador of the USSR A.F. Dobrynin with Kissinger

In this July 1969 report to the Politburo, Soviet ambassador to Washington Anatoly Dobrynin recounts a wide-ranging conversation with national security adviser Henry A. Kissinger a half-year into President Richard M. Nixon’s first term. Dobrynin also offers his candid personal evaluation of Kissinger and the secret White House “backchannel” established by Nixon to circumvent the State Department and communicate directly with the Soviet leadership.

February 21, 1969

V.A. Zorin, Memorandum of Conversation with the head of the DRV delegation and the head of NLFSV delegation at the Paris negotiations

Zorin, the USSR ambassador to France, summarizes a meeting in Paris in February 1969 with representatives of North Vietnam and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLFSV) to discuss the on-going peace negotiations with the United States. Xuan Thuy and the head of the NLFSV delegation Comrade Tran Buu Kiem

August 23, 1966

Memorandum, P. Ivashutin to CC CPSU on US Military Attaché Colonel Fitzgerald

Report on comments made by the United States military attaché, Colonel Fitzgerald, on the Soviet Union's potential leading role in negotiations to end the Vietnam War.

August 4, 1961

Excerpts from Khrushchev's Comments at Conference of First Secretaries of CC of Communist and Workers Parties of Socialist Countries

Selected excerpts from Khrushchev's concluding speech at a conference of Warsaw Pact leader, focused on the building crisis over the status of Berlin.

November 28, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Havana, Conversation with Cuban Vice President Carlos Rafael Rodrigue

Summary of comments made by Cuban Vice President Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on the Cuban Missile Crisis. Rodriguez criticizes the Soviet Union's decision to withdraw its missiles, questioning the Soviet commitment to the defense of Cuba.

August 30, 1978

Evaluation by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of the Normalization of US-Chinese Relations

In this evaluation of Chinese-US rapprochement, elaborated by the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), Moscow states that Beijing is going to great lengths to demonstrate its willingness to cooperate closely with Washington, including through the creation of a global strategic alliance between China and the US against the Soviet Union and the entire Socialist community. Moscow urges its Eastern European allies to make use of all political and ideological means available to fight against the creation of a unified front between China and the US.
