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Eldridge Cleaver's Introduction to Kim Il Sung's Speeches

Eldridge Cleaver praises North Korea's efforts toward national liberation and suggests that Kim Il Sung's speeches should be inspiring to Americans.

September 1, 1955

Radio Liberty's Effectiveness Appraised

Stanford University communications expert Wilbur Schramm reviews the effectiveness of Radio Liberty after two and a half years of broadcasting.

July 30, 1954

Memorandum from Thomas W. Braden for Inspector General [of the CIA], ‘The President’s Committee on International Information Activities: Report to the President’

CIA official Thomas Braden restates American Committee for Liberation's redefined mission which puts American staff and not exile leaders in charge of exile broadcasters.

July 22, 1954

US Government Policy for Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

An annex to the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) “169 Study” on U.S. international communications reviews the goals and effectiveness of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.

June 16, 1954

State Department Reservations about Free Europe Committee Policy

State Department official Lampton Berry conveys to Thomas Braden reservations about FEC Special Policy Guidance No. 19 [available in the Hoover Archives] that emphasized weakened Soviet control in Eastern Europe.

April 21, 1954

Revised American Committee for Liberation Mission Statement

A revised AMCOMLIB Mission Statement reflects Thomas Braden’s critique in his April 12, 1954 memorandum ["CIA Criticism of American Committee for Liberation Mission Statement"]

April 12, 1954

CIA Criticism of American Committee for Liberation Mission Statement

CIA official Thomas Braden, now responsible for Radio Liberty, criticizes American Committee for Liberation (AMCOMLIB) president Stevens’ enclosed mission statement as overemphasizing émigré politics and neglecting communication with the people of the Soviet Union.

February 26, 1954

CIA Review of Radio Liberty Broadcasting

A CIA memorandum reviews Radio Liberty policy guidance to date and outlines how it differs from the Voice of America.

November 18, 1953

CIA Dissent from C.D. Jackson’s Views

CIA official Tracey Barnes, reacting to C.D. Jackson’s memorandum of November 16, 1953 ("Fomenting Unrest in the Communist World"), cautions against encouraging active resistance in Eastern Europe.

November 16, 1953

Fomenting Unrest in the Communist World

C.D. Jackson, now assistant to President Eisenhower, urges CIA director Allen Dulles to make contingency plans to exploit future unrest in the Communist world during a perceived “Winter of Discontent.”
