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January 10, 1945

Notes of G. Dimitrov on a Phone Call from Stalin

Stalin expresses his support for an equal Bulgarian-Yugoslav confederation; cautions the Yugoslav delegation against interfering in Greece.

August 1945

Notes on Stalin's Statement from a Meeting with a Bulgarian Delegation

Stalin rebukes the Bulgarian leadership for postponing elections and fearing their opposition. He gives advice on the reorganization of Bulgaria and its foreign relations.

July 1945

Message from Averell Harriman to the President and Secretary of State

Harriman reports on Chiang Kai-Shek and Stalin's bartering over the status of Outer Mongolia. Chiang refuses to recognize its independence now, but offers to hold a plebiscite after the war.


Excerpts from the Memoirs of Wladyslaw Gomulka Concerning the Polish Communist Leader's Meetings with Stalin in 1944-1945

Gomulka describes the meeting of the KRN delegation with Stalin in 1944. He describes his personal meetings with Stalin in 1944-45, summarizing Stalin's views on agriculture, collectivization, Poland's international relations, and the communist Party in Poland.

December 14, 1944

Minutes from a Meeting of the Politburo Held on 14 December 1944

Bierut's account of three conversations with Stalin held between 6 and 14 December 1944. Stalin and Bierut discuss Poland's internal politics. In another meeting, Stalin and Bierut discuss France's attitude toward Poland; Stalin says that France only agreed to support Poland under pressure from the USSR.

December 8, 1944

Conversation between General de Gaulle and Marshal Stalin Friday 8 December 1944

General de Gaulle discusses France's positions on the German question in terms of Germany's borders, disarmament, and alliances. De Gaulle insists that Germany's Western border should not extend past the Rhine and that the country should be disarmed militarily, economically, and morally. He argues that international alliances between the USSR and France should be multilayered, and should include some involvement United States. Stalin argues for the benefit of a tripartite pact between the USSR, France, and England. Stalin then describes a pact between the USSR and France to bolster Poland.

December 6, 1944

Conversation between General de Gaulle and Marshal Stalin at the Kremlin 6 December 1944 from 18:00 to 19:45

General de Gaulle and Marshal Stalin discuss the historical affinity between France and Poland, France's aim to support a Poland that can stand up to Germany in the future, France's support of the Curzon line as well as it insistence that Poland should remain an independent state. Stalin and de Gaulle discuss the concept of a "western bloc" of European nations, de Gaulle assures Stalin he has no aims to create such an alliance. De Gaulle reaffirms France's support for Poland as well as the need for friendship between France, Poland, and the USSR. They discuss the creation of a new league of nations.

December 2, 1944

Account of General de Gaulle's Meeting with Marshal Stalin Saturday, 2 December at 21:00 at the Kremlin

Stalin and de Gaulle discuss General de Gaulle's recent trip to Baku, the need to establish a strong France and Russia in the new European order, and Germany's future western border with France. The leaders discuss a 20-year treaty of alliance between the two nations.

April 24, 1953

Cover Sheet for Issue II considered by the CPSU Presidium at its Session on 24 April 1953

A cover sheet verifying that the allegations of the United States used biological weapons in Korea were discussed at the CPSU Presidium on 24 April 1953.

April 24, 1953

Memorandum about Sessions of the CPSU CC Presidium from 13 March to 24 April 1953

A small excerpt from a document listing all the issues (30 in total) considered by the CPSU Presidium at its six sessions from 13 March through 24 April 1953. The excerpt shows that the biological warfare allegations were taken up by the CPSU Presidium on 24 April.
