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April 24, 1963

Secret Telegram from Maneli (Saigon) to Spasowski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 5295]

Report from Maneli, a Polish official in Saigon, to Warsaw, on the Indian opinion of the situation in Vietnam. According to him, the Indians believe the NLF to be finished and Diem's position to be strong, while they see Diem as the one lobbying for American withdrawal.

March 15, 1963

Secret Telegram from Ogrodziński (New Delhi) to Wierna (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 3359]

Polish cable from Ogrodzinski in India to Wierna in Warsaw, noting that the Americans would like to replace Ngo Dinh Diem, but do not have a replacement. Notes that Nehru would be willing to pull out of Vietnam. Concludes that neither Diem nor the Americans can independently seek ceasefire without cost to the other.

March 4, 1963

Secret Telegram from Ogrodziński (New Delhi) to Michałowski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 2793]

Cable from a Polish official in India to Jerzy Michalowski, asking if there are any issues that need to be discusses with Indian Foreign Minister Desai at dinner.

January 31, 1963

Secret Telegram from Rapacki (Warsaw) to Jaszczuk (Moscow)

Cable from Adam Rapacki to the Polish representative in Moscow informing him of Jerzy Michałowski’s coming arrival in Moscow, in light of recent Soviet-US and Polish-US talks on South Vietnam.

January 22, 1963

Secret Telegram from Rapacki (New Delhi) to Naszkowski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 995]

Message sent from Adam Rapacki back to Moscow describing a talk with Jawaharlal Nehru. Notes that the Indians expressed interest in expanding economic relations with Poland. Also notes that he accepted the Ceylonese invitation for Polish officials to visit Ceylon.

January 21, 1963

Secret Telegram from Rapacki (New Delhi) to Naszkowski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 915]

Memorandum of conversation between Adam Rapacki and Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru discusses difficulties between India and China, and aid received from the United States and Great Britain.

December 24, 1959

Draft, Report to the CC CPSU Plenum, 'About the Visit of the Soviet Party-Governmental Delegation to the PRC'

Soviet record of conversation between delegations from the Communist Parties of the Soviet Union and China. They argue over China's policy toward India and toward Taiwan, and assert that China is pursuing a path that will hurt its Communist allies and risk war. Also notes the extent of Mao's personality cult in China.

October 2, 1959

Record of Conversation of N. S. Khrushchev with CC CCP Chairman Mao Zedong, Deputy Chairma Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Lin Biao, Politburo Members Peng Zhen and Chen Yi, and Secretariat Member Wang Jiaxiang

Record of conversation between Nikita Khrushchev and top Chinese Communist Party leaders. Khrushchev blames the Chinese for the border conflict with India and for allowing the Dalai Lama to escape from Tibet. The two sides argue over how the Chinese should have handled these problems, with Mao accusing the Soviet Union of being "time-servers."

September 9, 1965

Conversation between Chairman Liu Shaoqi and Premier Zhou Enlai and Charge d'Affaires Jeong Bong-gyu at the 17th National Day Reception held at the North Korean Embassy

Liu Shaoqi and Jeong Bong-gyu discuss the Indo-Pak War, the likelihood of holding the Second Asian-African Conference, and the war in Vietnam.

September 11, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'On North Korea's Response to the Indian Invasion of Pakistan'

The Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang reports that North Korea's reaction to the Indo-Pak War has been timid.
