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July 14, 1945

Secret Soviet Instructions, 'Measures to Carry out Special Assignments throughout Southern Azerbaijan and the Northern Provinces of Iran'

Soviet document with instructions on creating the Azerbaijan Democratic Party in northern Iran in an attempt to set the basis for a separatist movement.

June 28, 1979

Report on the Situation in Afghanistan, Gromyko, Andropov, Ustinov, and Ponomarev to CPSU CC

The CC CPSU points to the economic 'backwardness,' small middle class, and the weakness of the PDPA as the reasons behind political instability in Afghanistan. Increasing internal support of the PDPA and strengthening the Afghan military are proposed solutions achieve stability.

February 20, 1979

Saddam and High-Ranking Officials Discussing Khomeini, the Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict, the Potential for Kurdish Unrest, and the Iranian Economy

Transcript of a meeting between Saddam and some Iraqi diplomatic personnel dated 20 February 1979. The meeting's main issue was Iran and Khomeini. One of the attendants asked Saddam if there is any possibility of turbulence in Iranian Kurdistan due to the internal chaos of the Iranian government. And if so, how would it affect Iraqi Kurdistan. They talked about the Iranian economy and the Iranian army. They said that the Iranian air force contains mostly American jets and it was built on American experience. Secondly they had a discussion about Eritrea and the diplomatic relationship between Iraq and Eritrea.

January 1, 1980

General Military Intelligence Directorate Report Assessing Political, Military, and Economic Conditions in Iran

This file contains a top secret intelligence report about Iran, issued by the General Military Intelligence Directorate (GMID), dated 01 January 1980 to 30 June 1980. mThe report includes information about the political, economic and military situation in Iran, including political system of the Iranian regime, information about different political parties in Iran, information about opposing Iranian groups, the crisis in the Iranian economy due to the sanctions and decrease in oil exporting, Iranian economic relations and activities, the status of different Iranian military units, and information about the Iranian navy and the air force.

October 1980

Saddam Hussein and Senior Iraqi Officials Discussing the Conflict with Iran, Iraqi Targets and Plans, a Recent Attack on the Osirak Reactor, and Various Foreign Countries

This file contains a transcript of a meeting about the Iran-Iraq War held in October 1980 with Saddam Hussein and high Iraqi officials such as the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff of the Army, and the Director of Military Intelligence. Contains discussions regarding the status of Iran-Iraq War and current military plans and preparations to resist Iranian raids effectively by air and sea. Includes discussion about several attacks by Israeli fighters on an Iraqi nuclear reactor and discussion of military operations and targets in Iran.

September 1980

Transcript of a Meeting between Saddam and His Commanders Regarding the Iran-Iraq War

This file contains a transcript of a conversation between President Saddam Hussein and top officials in the Iraqi Regime during the Iran-Iraq War. They discussed the Iranian air force and fighter planes, Israeli attempts to strike the Iraqi nuclear plant, and events on the front lines of the war.

April 14, 1987

Letter of General Military Intelligence Directorate about Iranian Use of Chemical Weapons on Iraqi Troops

This file contains a letter from the Secretariat of the General Military Intelligence (GMID) to the General Command of Armed Forces, dated 14 April 1987, pertaining to Iranian use of chemical weapons on Iraqi troops during an attack on 9 April 1987 and 12 April 1987. Additionally includes information that Iran received special chemical materials for production of mustard and tabun gases from North Korea and manufactured some with the support of North Korean experts.

October 4, 1979

Transcript of Brezhnev Honecker summit in East Berlin (excerpt on Iran and Afghanistan)

Transcript of Brezhnev Honecker summit in East Berlin (excerpt on Iran and Afghanistan) with Brezhnev discussing the leadership of Amin and expressing continued Soviet support for Afghanistan

October 10, 1979

Information of KGB USSR to CC CPSU International Department

Information of KGB USSR to CC CPSU International Department regarding the impact of the situation in Iran on Afghanistan

June 21, 1945

Decree of the GOKO [State Defense Committee] No. 9168SS, 'Geological Prospecting Work for Oil in Northern Iran'

Decree ordering '"Azneft" [Azerbaijani Oil] Association to supervise geological prospecting for oil deposits in northern Iran under the direction of Narkomneft, the USSR Oil Ministry.
