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May 1958

Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the European Atomic Energy Commission and the Government of the United States of America

This first joint draft memorandum outlining a program of cooperation between the United States and the European Atomic Energy Commission in the construction and installation of large scale prototype power-reactors.

September 27, 1972

Record of the Third Meeting between Prime Minister Tanaka and Premier Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai met with Tanaka Kakuei and discussed foreign affairs, including the Korean War, the Sino-Soviet Treaty and Indochina issues after the Vietnam War. Zhou claimed that "the liberation of Taiwan is a domestic issue."

February 26, 1977

From the Journal of  A. F. Dobrynin, Record of Conversation with US Secretary of State C. Vance

Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin met with US Secretary of State Vance and requested that he pass on a letter to President Carter from Brezhnev. The letter addressed finding a realistic approach to nuclear disarmament and the previous agreement in Vladivostok.

October 28, 1958

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'Gromyko Discussed the Issue of Stopping Nuclear Weapons Tests'

Gromyko informs Liu Xiao of the Soviet position and strategy in its negotiations with the United States and the United Kingdom for halting nuclear tests.

March 1, 1977

CC CPSU Draft of a Report for the Press in Connection with J. Carter's Reception of Bukovsky

The CC CPSU drafted a report to present to the press on President Jimmy Carter's reception of Bukovsky, who was expelled from the Soviet Union as a criminal offender.

November 12, 1975

Record of Conversation With US Attaché In the USSR Jack Matlock

US Attaché in the Soviet Union Jack Matlock was invited to discuss the Final Act of the European Conference in Helsinki. The Soviet Union publicized the text of the Final Act and faulted the United States for not doing the same. Looking at the principles of the Final Act, which the Soviet Union believes to be the bases for interstate relations in Europe, the government determined that radio stations such as "Liberty," "Free Europe," and "Voice of America" are not compatible with the goals and provisions. The Soviet government would like to improve relations with American journalists by first quickening the visa process and hope that the US would do the same for Soviet journalists.


Korea: Uneasy Truce in the Land of the Morning Calm (New York: American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, 1976)

The AFKIC introduces its mission, the history of Korea, and the current situation on the Peninsula.


North Korean Journey: A View of Workers’ Democracy

Fred Carrier reports on a visit to North Korea made by the AKFIC in June-July 1973.


Letter from George B. Murphy, Jr., Fred J. Carrier, and Joseph Brandt

The AKFIC's leadership calls on readers to lobby the U.S. Congress and other organizations to improve U.S.-North Korea relations.


A Letter to Congress: Appeal of Constituents and Voters to Our Elected Representatives in the Congress of the USA

In the aftermath of a second overture to the U.S. Congress from North Korea’s Supreme People's Assembly, the AKFIC mobilized a letter-writing campaign among its supporters.
